I said before that things were kind of shaking up a little at work. When I wrote that here, the shake ups were on the clinical side of things--i.e., not really anything that was going to impact my day to day very much. So I was taking it in stride, NBD, whatever.
Remember the co-worker I've talked about on here before who was going to leave, then wasn't, then was, then wasn't? We found out yesterday that she officially gave her two week notice on the tenth. Apparently it's a for real this time kinda thing so her last day is the 24th. That part I'm not so upset about. I like this co-worker, and I'm sure we'll stay in touch, but if anyone needs a break, it's most definitely her. I think it'll be good for her.
So one of the girls who currently works at the front desk is moving back to billing. Which, frankly, I don't think is necessary. I'm pretty anxious about this. I feel like, right now, I hardly have enough work to do as it is, and I'm terrified of losing any of my workload. This girl will really just be taking over the stuff that the leaving co-worker's doing now, but still.
Plus I've been convinced that it would be best for me to give up my desk for the new girl and move to a different office/work space. I'm not thrilled about that. I genuinely love my tiny, weird little workspace, and I don't want to leave it. I don't. But at the same time . . . I guess it's kind of a choose your battle thing, and this is one of those opportunities to be the bigger person.
And honestly, my job is going to be the same wherever I work from, so I suppose that in the long run it's not a big deal.
And I've made it clear that I want to take over BCBS. That was part of the plan when this co-worker was originally leaving, and honestly, the best two weeks of work I've had were when she was gone and I was doing that. I stayed busy, my days went by fast, and I like that. I function best when I'm busy.
So really, it'll be fine. As long as I can keep Medicare, get BCBS, and keep my mail duties, I'll be happy. And as long as I can take my computer with me . . . I like my screens and I've got everything set up how I want it, so I don't see moving it as a big deal.
I just hate not knowing exactly what's going to happen. I like knowing what's going on. I'd feel better if I could move my office tomorrow, but I have another week.5 until that happens. I guess I just prefer things being settled, and having someone new coming in is a shake up that I've never had to deal with.
Really, my biggest fear is ending up hating my job. I like loving my job. I do. I don't want to go back to dreading going to work like I have at jobs in the past.
I know I need to just play it by ear and take it as it comes because stressing about it isn't going to do me any good.