I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my and Jerbs' next door neighbor here before. Basically, she's a horrible, horrible person, who is miserable and hates everyone and everything and wants everyone around her to be miserable as well. I've never heard anyone complain as much as she does, and I've never even had a conversation with this woman; it's all just been overheard either when I leave and she's home, or when she's coming home and yelling at someone on the phone as she stomps up the stairs. (And when I say stomps, I mean it . . . our walls literally shake every time this bitch comes home, it sucks). We call her Stompy. Also, she always has her window open, and she makes all of her phone calls on speaker phone, so if our window is open, and we're quiet, we can hear everything.
So anyway, we hate her, and for the past year, we've lived in a state of perpetually wishing she'd just move out. And last night, it got a lot worse.
This whole past week seems to have been bad for Stompy. On Monday, people moved into the apartment under her. On Tuesday, when Jerbs was home, she had to call emergency maintenance for something. Jerbs said they were there for awhile, and that she could hear Stompy bitching at them through the walls the whole time. That same day, the new neighbors apparently went out, and their dog (or dogs?) was making noise. Jerbs was here, and could hear the dog scratching and whining, but she said it wasn't that bad. But sure enough, at some point in the afternoon, she heard Stompy call the cops on the owners. The cops ended up not coming, because they know that woman's fucking nuts and overreacts to everything. On Wednesday, she had maintenance in her apartment again. Then yesterday, while I was at work, Jerbs overheard a conversation that was basically Stompy screaming at her disability case worker (apparently she's on disability, and it was disability that placed her here). Anyway, she was screaming at her case worker about how this place is horrible and there's tons of noise pollution (which is BS, this is actually a really quiet complex when you're not, y'know, totally fucking insane), and how she can't ever sleep (because she has a weird sleep schedule in which she sleeps during the day, which makes no sense because she doesn't work), and how it's just as bad as the last few places they put her (which really makes it seem like she's the problem), and how she wants to be moved to somewhere else ASAP. Which of course would be awesome. Jerbs texted me all this.
Then last night . . . good Lord. It was around 10:30 and we heard someone come up the stairs and knock on her door. It was emergency maintenance. Which made us laugh. But we really didn't think anything of it. Then, around 11, I went to get ready for bed. So I'm in the bedroom, sitting on my bed, putting on chapstick, when I hear someone screaming, "Call 911!! Call 911!! Call 911!!" And I hear Jerbs saying, in response, "OK, I'll call them, just calm down . . ." So of course I freaked out. I honestly thought something was on fire, so I ran out to the living room, where I found Jerbs, on her cell phone, clearly trying not to laugh.
Apparently, the maintenance guy hit a water main in Stompy's apartment, which caused her apartment to flood. And in the mind of Stompy, the appropriate response to this was to run onto our porch, screaming for us to call 911. (Bear in mind, too, that maintenance was IN HER APARTMENT when this happened, so really, the correct type of help was already there). But Jerbs did call 911, and they sent out some firefighters, who left very, very pissed off after about 10 minutes of establishing that there was nothing they could do and that our neighbor is a moron.
I was so freaking mad. Seriously, you do NOT scream for someone to call 911 because your apartment is flooding. It was ridiculous. It's aggravating that after all the time she's bitched about us, she ran to us expecting help, first of all. Not to mention that calling 911 for that was a complete and utter waste of emergency services. Needless to say, my adrenaline was pumping after that (I work in a cardiology clinic . . . when someone screams for you to call 911 like that, it means someone is freaking dying), and I absolutely couldn't sleep. I think I finally dozed off around 2 in the morning, which was super awesome when my alarm went off at 6. I ended up skipping my shower and sleeping an extra hour, which didn't really help much.
On top of all that, I had to stay the full day at MHC today, and cover the front desk from 1--5. I didn't leave work until almost 6, and after that I was at SHF until 8. Which basically means I worked a 12 hour day on 5 hours of sleep. I am EXHAUSTED.
Thank goodness I'm on vacation all next week!!!