
This Week

I know this post is titled "This Week," but I'm actually going to talk about last week first.

Last week was awful.  I didn't work out once.  I feel like I had a good reason not to on Monday, because my legs were feeling a little tight/sore from the climb, and I didn't want to make that worse.  But the rest of the week, there was no reason I couldn't have worked out.  I also ate horribly.  Like . . . worse than I have in a really, really, really long time.  Last weekend was just so busy that I never went grocery shopping and whatever, and then during the week I kept ending up taking naps after work . . . it was so dumb.  Seriously, it was just a dumb week as far as my fitness goals went.  And now I feel shitty and huge physically and it's incredibly unpleasant.

So I'm very determined that this week is going to be different.  I went grocery shopping tonight and I'm going to focus my effort on not eating out.  It's so incredibly unnecessary and I need to stop.  I also need to start working out more.  I'm thinking of starting to go to the gym on my lunch break like I used to.  I stopped doing that around the end of May because it was just so dang hot, and the thought of getting sweaty, changing into different clothes and getting even sweatier, then putting on my original sweaty clothes and going back to work sounded less than appealing.  But it's cooling down and raining almost every day right now so that might be an option.

I need to go to bed earlier, too.  I'm so horrible about staying up too late.  I'm just a night owl.  Always have been, probably always will be.  But it turns into a vicious cycle (stay up too late, tired at work, nap when I get home, then can't sleep when it's time for bed) and I really need to get on top of it.

So that's that.  No fast food M--F, work out everyday, in bed by 11 every night, no more naps.

We'll see how it goes.

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