

I am more busy right now than I've ever been.  It's fantastic.

For the past two weeks my days (Mondays and Wednesdays, anyhow) have typically been going like this: wake up, get to MHC by 8:30, work until I take my lunch break at 2:00, run across the street to SHF and do as much work as I can in about 45 minutes, go back to MHC and finish out my day there, head back to SHF a little before 6, do my work there until about 7, hit the elliptical for 40(ish) minutes, and by then it's 8 PM and Jerbs is getting off work so I pick her up and head home.  It makes for roughly 12 hour days.  It's kind of nice but exhausting.  Fortunately next week should be a little easier because the billing cycle (ie super busy time) at SHF is pretty much done.

I got sick at work on Thursday.  A pharm rep had brought pizza for lunch, and I had a couple slices, and it just didn't agree with me.  I ended up leaving around 2, coming home, and not being able to keep down anything but water and crackers for the rest of the night.  Lovely.

But today was Saturday, and Jerbs was off, and I didn't have to go to either of my jobs, and it was rainy and cool out . . . basically a perfect set up for a day.  Jerbs and I had lunch, ran some errands, went to the mall and played with kittens at the adoption center there (because we're 5), took the dogs to the pond and let them run around, and watched Mean Girls on Netflix.  Life is good.
Kittens!  The two chasing the toy are flame point siameses, the one on the far right
is an orange and white DSH.  Her name is Strawberry.  Best hour of the day.

Monsoon-y evening at the pond.  It's a little blurry because I was holding Hollie's
leash and she was pulling to get to the ducks.

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