Hard to believe it's the last day of January already. The month has flown by.
I think it's because of work. Having a regular schedule and less down time has left me with less time with nothing to do, if that makes sense. Lately my days are work, home, food, TV/Jerbs/whatever, sleep. I quite like it.
I do have to say that this week started out pretty badly. On Monday I woke up to about 2 inches of snow on the ground--and it was still snowing. Which meant thermal pants and snow boots . . . and somehow I ended up putting my snow boots one the wrong freaking feet. I have very basic snow boots and I never even realized they were made for specific feet--I thought they were just round and thus interchangeable. Apparently I've just always accidentally gotten it right in the past. (To be fair, I bought them like 5 months before I moved back to Kingman, so I haven't worn them a whole lot). Anyway, I felt super dumb, and of course I was running late so I had no time to fix them. So I had to run to the bus stop, through falling snow and a couple inches on the ground, in my boots that were on the wrong feet. Lovely, lovely way to start the day.
Then Tuesday morning, I woke up around 4:30 AM, got a drink of water, and went back to bed since my alarm was set for 6 AM. I woke up awhile later, looked at my phone, and it was 6:47. Genius me set my alarm but forgot to take the phone off vibrate. Durrr.
Thankfully, Wednesday and today started without any weirdness or disasters.
Work is still going well. I feel awkward sometimes--out of my league a little--but I'm still doing all right. I've realized that I definitely do work best when I'm left alone and can kind of think things out for myself without feeling nervous or pressured from being watched. The past few days have been good for that reason.
Today I got to post insurance checks by myself, and I got my own little A/R list to work. (A/R stands for accounts receivable and basically, it's a list of unpaid claims that need to be researched and hopefully resolved). It's probably the most challenging thing yet, not necessarily because it's hard, just because I don't know all the details of stuff. It takes me a while to figure out what to do, and then a while longer to figure out how to do it. I'm sure that as I get more used to doing it and all that, I'll be better and more comfortable with it.
I think that's about all I have to say for the moment. I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday!!
It's Weird
It's weird to have a job.
It's weird to have the job that I do. (Seriously, I have a degree in literature and I'm working in a math and medical related field. WTF?)
It's weird to have a grown up schedule.
It's weird to be making enough money to support myself. (Eventually. Obviously I haven't gotten a full paycheck yet).
I'm happy, but it's also just . . . weird. Some nights I can't really believe I got this job. Some nights I habitually go to Craigslist and look at the job ads before I remember that I don't have to do that anymore. And you would not believe the relief I feel every time that happens.
Did I tell you I almost didn't even go to the second interview? I don't think I ever mentioned that, but it's totally true. I'd had a good feeling after my first interview, but for whatever reason, New Years was a hard holiday. I found myself anxious and depressed for part of New Years Eve and all of New Years Day. So on the morning of the second I was feeling very negative, and as I got ready for my interview my mind was racing. I just kept thinking, there is no way in hell I'm going to get this job, and why would I ever think I might? I kept thinking that it was going to be a huge disappointment just like all my other interviews. And then I kept thinking about what I would do if that happened--like in a what would I do next way--and it wasn't pleasant. I just kept thinking about how I'd applied at all the retail places I could and how there were never office jobs anymore on CL and what was I going to do? The anxiety made me feel physically sick and I really did almost cancel. I almost cried on the way there because I was absolutely terrified, thinking that I really couldn't deal with another disappointment and hoping like hell I didn't totally blow it. I remember sitting in the MHC waiting room feeling so anxious I was dizzy, and feeling like I was going to throw up or pass out or some horrible combo of both.
I'm so glad I didn't cancel. I think deep, deep down I knew I was going to get this one from the very beginning--I just had a good feeling--but that morning was so stressful. I remember I relaxed as soon as I saw the office manager who did my first interview, which I took as a good sign.
Anyway, back to the weird. I tell myself that of course I'm going to feel a little weird for a while for a few reasons.
1) I haven't had a full time job since 2009. Isn't that sad? In Nov. 2009 I lost my job at the clinic and didn't work again until Hastings in September 2011. And obviously that was part time so suddenly working 36 hours is an adjustment.
2) I have never had a Monday thru Friday job. At the clinic I did 12 hour shifts and worked every other weekend, so the schedule was a little weird. (But good). So M thru F is a bit strange . . . but I like it!
3) I haven't had a job that required actual focus and concentration since 2009. Because Hastings isn't really a hard place to work, and since I'd worked there before, I usually did my job on auto pilot; my mind was rarely engaged. But working at MHC, I actually have to pay attention and remember things. My brain is having a hard time waking up, if that makes sense.
4) Not to mention I spent about 2.5 years totally mentally checked out of life in general. It's hard to be engaged in life again, y'know what I mean? Not only in the actual work sense, but in other things, like relating to co-workers as well. Just having a life feels strange. Talking to people and interacting and all that . . . weird. But definitely good.
5) It's weird to be one of the few single and childless people in the office. Pretty much everyone is married and has kids, or is at least one of those two. Kinda strange.
It's odd because I almost feel like I used to, before I got really sick. Back when I was first at the clinic and loving life, when I was happy to have an office job and happy with how cool my co-workers were, when I had a car. How I feel now is similar to how I felt then, like I feel flashes of the back then, but it's different now. I realize that back then, even before I got sick, I was already sick, because I feel so much more normal and level headed than I did then. And I just kind of wonder how things would have gone if I'd gotten help then.
And I feel like I almost don't know what to make of the time in between, if that makes sense. The years of illness, meeting Corey, falling in love and getting engaged, moving back to Kingman, the ups and downs of initial treatment . . . it's really strange to think that I went through all of that and ended up almost right back where I started. In Flagstaff, with Jerbs, working in a medical office, and . . . happy. Honestly there are times when I wonder if Corey ever happened at all, when it doesn't even seem real. The question of how I got from that life back to this one is a big one with a lot of answers . . .
But really that's for another post.
Good night.
It's weird to have the job that I do. (Seriously, I have a degree in literature and I'm working in a math and medical related field. WTF?)
It's weird to have a grown up schedule.
It's weird to be making enough money to support myself. (Eventually. Obviously I haven't gotten a full paycheck yet).
I'm happy, but it's also just . . . weird. Some nights I can't really believe I got this job. Some nights I habitually go to Craigslist and look at the job ads before I remember that I don't have to do that anymore. And you would not believe the relief I feel every time that happens.
Did I tell you I almost didn't even go to the second interview? I don't think I ever mentioned that, but it's totally true. I'd had a good feeling after my first interview, but for whatever reason, New Years was a hard holiday. I found myself anxious and depressed for part of New Years Eve and all of New Years Day. So on the morning of the second I was feeling very negative, and as I got ready for my interview my mind was racing. I just kept thinking, there is no way in hell I'm going to get this job, and why would I ever think I might? I kept thinking that it was going to be a huge disappointment just like all my other interviews. And then I kept thinking about what I would do if that happened--like in a what would I do next way--and it wasn't pleasant. I just kept thinking about how I'd applied at all the retail places I could and how there were never office jobs anymore on CL and what was I going to do? The anxiety made me feel physically sick and I really did almost cancel. I almost cried on the way there because I was absolutely terrified, thinking that I really couldn't deal with another disappointment and hoping like hell I didn't totally blow it. I remember sitting in the MHC waiting room feeling so anxious I was dizzy, and feeling like I was going to throw up or pass out or some horrible combo of both.
I'm so glad I didn't cancel. I think deep, deep down I knew I was going to get this one from the very beginning--I just had a good feeling--but that morning was so stressful. I remember I relaxed as soon as I saw the office manager who did my first interview, which I took as a good sign.
Anyway, back to the weird. I tell myself that of course I'm going to feel a little weird for a while for a few reasons.
1) I haven't had a full time job since 2009. Isn't that sad? In Nov. 2009 I lost my job at the clinic and didn't work again until Hastings in September 2011. And obviously that was part time so suddenly working 36 hours is an adjustment.
2) I have never had a Monday thru Friday job. At the clinic I did 12 hour shifts and worked every other weekend, so the schedule was a little weird. (But good). So M thru F is a bit strange . . . but I like it!
3) I haven't had a job that required actual focus and concentration since 2009. Because Hastings isn't really a hard place to work, and since I'd worked there before, I usually did my job on auto pilot; my mind was rarely engaged. But working at MHC, I actually have to pay attention and remember things. My brain is having a hard time waking up, if that makes sense.
4) Not to mention I spent about 2.5 years totally mentally checked out of life in general. It's hard to be engaged in life again, y'know what I mean? Not only in the actual work sense, but in other things, like relating to co-workers as well. Just having a life feels strange. Talking to people and interacting and all that . . . weird. But definitely good.
5) It's weird to be one of the few single and childless people in the office. Pretty much everyone is married and has kids, or is at least one of those two. Kinda strange.
It's odd because I almost feel like I used to, before I got really sick. Back when I was first at the clinic and loving life, when I was happy to have an office job and happy with how cool my co-workers were, when I had a car. How I feel now is similar to how I felt then, like I feel flashes of the back then, but it's different now. I realize that back then, even before I got sick, I was already sick, because I feel so much more normal and level headed than I did then. And I just kind of wonder how things would have gone if I'd gotten help then.
And I feel like I almost don't know what to make of the time in between, if that makes sense. The years of illness, meeting Corey, falling in love and getting engaged, moving back to Kingman, the ups and downs of initial treatment . . . it's really strange to think that I went through all of that and ended up almost right back where I started. In Flagstaff, with Jerbs, working in a medical office, and . . . happy. Honestly there are times when I wonder if Corey ever happened at all, when it doesn't even seem real. The question of how I got from that life back to this one is a big one with a lot of answers . . .
But really that's for another post.
Good night.
I Got Money In The Bank
I got paid today! My first paycheck from MHC! It was incredibly exciting. I only got paid for my first three days of work (so like 20.2 hours) but still, money's money. Plus I didn't think we got paid until February 1st so finding out pay day was this week was pretty cool! And given that nothing has been deposited into my bank account since November (my last check from Hastings) it's a great feeling. So of course I treated Jerbs to a nice dinner out, and it was well worth it, even though I feel disgusting from how much I ate and don't want to see or hear about banana pudding for at least 6 months.
Aside from pay day, work is a little stressful right now. I mean, I'm still totally loving it and enjoying working there but . . . my boss boss was on vacation this past week. Before she left she made a training schedule for me, so everyone knew who I was supposed to be training with every day and what I was supposed to be learning. And then it all went to crap because one of the front desk girls is pregnant and got sick and is now out until further notice, which leaves the front desk short handed. To help out, the billing office took over eligibility verification, which is basically just making sure a patient has the insurance they say they do and finding out the details of the coverage so we know if they have a copay or deductible or whatever. It's not hard, but it is tedious and time consuming (we use insurance websites for verifying almost every plan so you have to log in and obviously I don't know any of the user names or passwords by heart so I have to look them up). So yeah, that's fun. Apparently the goal is to be two weeks ahead . . . and today I finished Monday and Tuesday of next week. So yeah. It's what I'll most likely be doing next week as well. At least, I hope it is, because for whatever reason I feel really driven to get it caught up, at least for next week, plus there's something weirdly satisfying about it.
So that's work. I really do love it, and I feel like such a grown up in my office! Well, my half an office. It's pretty awesome.
In news not related to work, this past Thursday my mom had to have another one of our childhood pets put down. This time it was our big fluffy orange cat whose name was Monkey Orange but who we always called Fuzzy Puff. She was an old cat (I don't remember when we got her) who we adopted as a stray; my dad found her in our yard early one morning when he was going to work, and he let her in the garage, where she immediately started climbing the peg hooks on the walls. That's why she was named Monkey Orange. She was never a very cuddly cat but she was sweet, and I'm so sad that she's gone now. But at the same time, there was something wrong with her back legs (like maybe she had a stroke?) and she was in pain, so I'm glad she's not suffering anymore. I'm sure she's in kitty heaven having a wonderful time and walking around just fine. R.I.P. Fuzzy Puff . . . you'll be missed and remembered.
Aside from pay day, work is a little stressful right now. I mean, I'm still totally loving it and enjoying working there but . . . my boss boss was on vacation this past week. Before she left she made a training schedule for me, so everyone knew who I was supposed to be training with every day and what I was supposed to be learning. And then it all went to crap because one of the front desk girls is pregnant and got sick and is now out until further notice, which leaves the front desk short handed. To help out, the billing office took over eligibility verification, which is basically just making sure a patient has the insurance they say they do and finding out the details of the coverage so we know if they have a copay or deductible or whatever. It's not hard, but it is tedious and time consuming (we use insurance websites for verifying almost every plan so you have to log in and obviously I don't know any of the user names or passwords by heart so I have to look them up). So yeah, that's fun. Apparently the goal is to be two weeks ahead . . . and today I finished Monday and Tuesday of next week. So yeah. It's what I'll most likely be doing next week as well. At least, I hope it is, because for whatever reason I feel really driven to get it caught up, at least for next week, plus there's something weirdly satisfying about it.
So that's work. I really do love it, and I feel like such a grown up in my office! Well, my half an office. It's pretty awesome.
In news not related to work, this past Thursday my mom had to have another one of our childhood pets put down. This time it was our big fluffy orange cat whose name was Monkey Orange but who we always called Fuzzy Puff. She was an old cat (I don't remember when we got her) who we adopted as a stray; my dad found her in our yard early one morning when he was going to work, and he let her in the garage, where she immediately started climbing the peg hooks on the walls. That's why she was named Monkey Orange. She was never a very cuddly cat but she was sweet, and I'm so sad that she's gone now. But at the same time, there was something wrong with her back legs (like maybe she had a stroke?) and she was in pain, so I'm glad she's not suffering anymore. I'm sure she's in kitty heaven having a wonderful time and walking around just fine. R.I.P. Fuzzy Puff . . . you'll be missed and remembered.
Work So Far and Some Girly TMI
Work so far is going really, really well.
Right now I'm learning basics like payment posting, how to read the EOB's that come with insurance payments, how to sort the mail, etc. It's actually a little boring (but getting less so) and it's really frustrating because I'm basically still being baby sat. Which I understand, because I am new and screwing up payment posting would be baaaaaaaad but . . . still. I work better without being watched super closely and I'm looking forward to when I get to just work on my own.
I'm happy with how much more comfortable I'm getting with things and how much less foreign some of the stuff is becoming. Mostly EOB's because wow, some of them really make no sense at first glance! I was a little worried with how today would go because of the long weekend (like what if that extra 24 hours off made me forget everything or something) but I actually felt really confident and comfortable doing the payments and mail. I feel like I'm picking up on stuff and that's nice.
And I'm still really liking my co-workers. I honestly haven't met anyone I don't like or feel like I wouldn't get along well with. At this point I've even met the CEO, who told me himself how glad he was to have me there. I was so flattered!
The only downside is the schedule. I don't mind the M--F thing at all, but I'm definitely still adjusting to getting up at 6 AM to get ready for work. It's hard. And what's worse (in my opinion) is how it's basically stopped me from working out. I don't get home until a little after 6 PM, and by then the sun is down, and it's too cold to go work out. But I'm planning on joining the gym with my first paycheck.
Overall I'm happy with the job. I really am, and I'm still so thrilled I got it. It's well worth the scheduling adjustment.
Here's the TMI part . . . I just need to vent.
I HATE my period!! I hate it so freaking much.
For the past 4 days I've been freezing, starving, dragging myself out of bed half asleep, and retaining water like whoa. Plus I'm breaking out on my face. It sucks.
I've been weighing myself every Tuesday morning since the first of the year and so far I've been happy with the results. Then this morning, I weighed myself before I got in the shower, and the scale said I'd gained nearly 5 pounds since last Wednesday! Well, I KNOW I didn't gain that much in a week, because I've been doing OK diet wise, so I'm assuming it's the retained water. Even though I knew it wasn't accurate and that it was just the water weight, it was still a disappointing start to the day.
Hopefully it's almost over, because I've had enough! The only silver lining is that this cycle didn't have any severe emotional symptoms.
Right now I'm learning basics like payment posting, how to read the EOB's that come with insurance payments, how to sort the mail, etc. It's actually a little boring (but getting less so) and it's really frustrating because I'm basically still being baby sat. Which I understand, because I am new and screwing up payment posting would be baaaaaaaad but . . . still. I work better without being watched super closely and I'm looking forward to when I get to just work on my own.
I'm happy with how much more comfortable I'm getting with things and how much less foreign some of the stuff is becoming. Mostly EOB's because wow, some of them really make no sense at first glance! I was a little worried with how today would go because of the long weekend (like what if that extra 24 hours off made me forget everything or something) but I actually felt really confident and comfortable doing the payments and mail. I feel like I'm picking up on stuff and that's nice.
And I'm still really liking my co-workers. I honestly haven't met anyone I don't like or feel like I wouldn't get along well with. At this point I've even met the CEO, who told me himself how glad he was to have me there. I was so flattered!
The only downside is the schedule. I don't mind the M--F thing at all, but I'm definitely still adjusting to getting up at 6 AM to get ready for work. It's hard. And what's worse (in my opinion) is how it's basically stopped me from working out. I don't get home until a little after 6 PM, and by then the sun is down, and it's too cold to go work out. But I'm planning on joining the gym with my first paycheck.
Overall I'm happy with the job. I really am, and I'm still so thrilled I got it. It's well worth the scheduling adjustment.
Here's the TMI part . . . I just need to vent.
I HATE my period!! I hate it so freaking much.
For the past 4 days I've been freezing, starving, dragging myself out of bed half asleep, and retaining water like whoa. Plus I'm breaking out on my face. It sucks.
I've been weighing myself every Tuesday morning since the first of the year and so far I've been happy with the results. Then this morning, I weighed myself before I got in the shower, and the scale said I'd gained nearly 5 pounds since last Wednesday! Well, I KNOW I didn't gain that much in a week, because I've been doing OK diet wise, so I'm assuming it's the retained water. Even though I knew it wasn't accurate and that it was just the water weight, it was still a disappointing start to the day.
Hopefully it's almost over, because I've had enough! The only silver lining is that this cycle didn't have any severe emotional symptoms.
What's In My Bag?
I've seen the "what's in my bag?" post on quite a few other blogs so I figured I'd do one too. Because my purse is a very exciting place and all . . .
I also usually have a couple hair ties/claw clips, my winter hat and gloves, and a bottle of water in there too.
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My bag. Not too fancy, but it cost less than $10. The cool pin I have on one side--sort of a joke. My elephant friend I keep on the other side. |
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My wallet. |
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A week's worth of Lithium and Paxil. I carry it with me so I remember to take it. Various chapsticks, tissues, and hand sanitizer. |
I also usually have a couple hair ties/claw clips, my winter hat and gloves, and a bottle of water in there too.
So Long, 9816
Before I left the Kingman Hastings last July, I was under the impression that the Flagstaff Hastings was the more successful of the 2: higher sales, more hours, more associates, etc. (Which is why I was delusional enough to think I'd get 30 hours a week . . . ha!) Right before I left, though, the Kingman LS manager told me that the Flag store was floundering and that as a result of that the store was moving.
And when I got up here, that's what everyone here knew: that the store was going to move, that they needed to be out of the space by the end of March, and that the corporate office was in the process of finding a new location. Well, corporate kind of just kept jerking us around with, "Oh, we're still looking," and blah blah blah. By the time I left at the beginning of November they still had not found a location. And I don't know if it's obvious to anyone else but . . . moving an entire retail store (a pretty big store too) as well as making sure all the connections to corporate are set up is kind of a big undertaking--not really something you can do overnight. So of course the speculation that the store might actually be closing started among the staff. At the time I left the official answer was still a move.
Then this evening I was reading the AZ Daily Sun online, and sure enough, there it was: an article officially announcing that Hastings 9816 will be permanently closing on March 15th. The reason listed by the paper was just that the lease was up on the building (which is obviously not what's actually going on).
We were told not to say anything about the real reason, so I'm not going to here (just in case).
At any rate, though, I can say that based on the real reason, corporate had two options: move the store or close the store. And at the end of the day, between the abysmal sales, the pathetic staff, the dissatisfied customers, and the overall complete dysfunction of the store made them decide that it would be a waste to invest the time and money in moving and opted for closing. (Honestly, if the store wasn't closing now, my guess is that it would have closed by the end of this year anyway).
Obviously, I'm not sad. I'm actually pretty happy. I feel very vindicated as far as how I ended up leaving and all that, because I feel like this basically says, see? You can't run a store that poorly and treat your employees that badly and still stay in business. Because it all comes back to how the store was being run, in my opinion.
Yes, the decision is a financial one, and yes, sales were way down most days I was there. But that's to be expected--when you have Redbox and Netflix for movies and TV, iTunes and other services like that for music, and Kindle and Nook and all those for books (not to mention all the illegal download stuff) it's hard to keep customers. Personally, I think that in an environment that's that competitive, where the customer can pretty much do everything on their own, the only reason they're gong to prefer an actual in store experience is if they really love the environment of the store and the attitudes/personalities/knowledge of the employees. And when your employees are all assholes who don't know shit about the job, and the store feels nothing but chaotic and messy and disorganized . . . well, then there's zero incentive for the customer to choose the store over all their other options. And that's what bit these guys in the ass.
It's kind of a vicious cycle: the store and employees aren't well liked by the customer . . . customers stop returning and sales drop . . . drop in sales leads to cutting hours all over and fewer workers in the store at any given time . . . lowered workforce only makes the initial problems worse because then work is never done properly and stocking and cleaning fall behind and when a customer does need help, they have to wait . . . if someone does help them there's a good chance they don't know what they're doing because there aren't enough hours to actually train people on the sales floor.
I think Hastings could still be successful in Flag if it bought a much, much smaller space and became strictly a movie and game rental place. Because Hastings is(was) the ONLY rental place in town anymore aside from Redbox kiosks. We used to have a Hollywood Video, a Blockbuster, and an indie rental place, but they've all been closed for years. A huge chunk of this store's sales was from rental because it was the only thing there's really no competition for in town (we have a bunch of indie music stores, 2 or 3 Game Stops, 2 RadioShacks and a Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, a comic book store, and a Spencers and a Hot Topic that carry most of the same novelty items Hastings did).
(Meanwhile, the Kingman Hastings, while sales are down (sales are down across the company, really, which isn't surprising) will probably never actually go out of business, because aside from the online stuff, there's no competition for them in Kingman).
I am a little sad. I'm sad that there won't be a rental place anymore, and I did have some good times at the store here--back in college, at least. Jenny and I both did, and we made some good friends and got up to quite a bit of mischief around that place. It wasn't the best place to work even in college, but I'm appalled at how far down hill it went in the time between then and when I worked there last year. And there were a few co-workers I actually liked and thought were decent people and I hope that they're all able to find new jobs quickly. (But honestly, they all barely did better than me in the hours department so I'm sure that whatever work they do find will be a step up for them).
I'm glad I got out when I did. I remember thinking in November that I was such an idiot for just quitting the way I did and being so worried that I'd done the wrong thing--but now more than ever I feel like I definitely made the best choice, because not only did I find a killer new job that I'm really loving, but I also escaped the stress of having to worry about finding a new job and all that when the store closed. I almost feel "I told you so" about it, because I came up here doing everything right per corporate standards, the way I was trained, and I was basically hated for it. My co-workers were like lol, look at this idiot actually doing her job and not cutting all the corners. And now . . . they're out of a job! And in my head I'm like, I tried.
It's sad because this store had a lot of potential. It had a great location close to campus and if it had been managed better I think it could have done SO well. But it seems, at the same time, like it was destined to fail, because something about it just always felt off. This store just never had the same sense of work ethic as the Kingman store or other ones I've been to (the downside of living in a college town: lots of college student employees who don't actually give a shit about the job). And whenever there was a manager there who actually tried to make people work and do their jobs correctly, the staff would make them so miserable with their assholeishness about it that the manager would end up leaving (I saw this happen to 2 managers and I don't blame them at all for leaving). It's so sad. It's so stupid. Especially considering that in an economy where a lot of people need jobs very badly you could probably be picky and hire a really great crew.
Oh well. All those suggestions are too late now. I wish some of them the best and most of them not the best. (I have no desire to be the bigger person when it comes to that place).
I'm definitely going to hit up the going out of business sale because why not? Plus . . . ok, I haven't been in Hastings since I quit, because I hate it there and just didn't want to go in. But I feel like now that they're all about to lose their jobs and I'm in a really good work position . . . I'll mind less going in. Good lord, that makes me sound like a horrible, horrible person, but it's true! After what I said when I left about the store being so unprofessional it would have been a little embarrassing to go in and potentially have to admit that I was still unemployed . . . but now I look better than them in comparison. (I swear I'm actually a good person . . . I just hate that place and the people there so, so much). Most of them treated me like complete shit and acted like I was a moron when I actually knew more about the company than they did, and it's really just a wonderful feeling to see such misplaced arrogance cut down. I definitely don't want to go in and rub it in their faces that I'm doing well Hastings free, but I feel like I earned the right to go in and shop and silently gloat. (I got fucking keys thrown at me by a manager when I worked there, so I earned it!)
Anyway. So that's that. So long, Hastings 9816.
Yes, the decision is a financial one, and yes, sales were way down most days I was there. But that's to be expected--when you have Redbox and Netflix for movies and TV, iTunes and other services like that for music, and Kindle and Nook and all those for books (not to mention all the illegal download stuff) it's hard to keep customers. Personally, I think that in an environment that's that competitive, where the customer can pretty much do everything on their own, the only reason they're gong to prefer an actual in store experience is if they really love the environment of the store and the attitudes/personalities/knowledge of the employees. And when your employees are all assholes who don't know shit about the job, and the store feels nothing but chaotic and messy and disorganized . . . well, then there's zero incentive for the customer to choose the store over all their other options. And that's what bit these guys in the ass.
It's kind of a vicious cycle: the store and employees aren't well liked by the customer . . . customers stop returning and sales drop . . . drop in sales leads to cutting hours all over and fewer workers in the store at any given time . . . lowered workforce only makes the initial problems worse because then work is never done properly and stocking and cleaning fall behind and when a customer does need help, they have to wait . . . if someone does help them there's a good chance they don't know what they're doing because there aren't enough hours to actually train people on the sales floor.
I think Hastings could still be successful in Flag if it bought a much, much smaller space and became strictly a movie and game rental place. Because Hastings is(was) the ONLY rental place in town anymore aside from Redbox kiosks. We used to have a Hollywood Video, a Blockbuster, and an indie rental place, but they've all been closed for years. A huge chunk of this store's sales was from rental because it was the only thing there's really no competition for in town (we have a bunch of indie music stores, 2 or 3 Game Stops, 2 RadioShacks and a Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, a comic book store, and a Spencers and a Hot Topic that carry most of the same novelty items Hastings did).
(Meanwhile, the Kingman Hastings, while sales are down (sales are down across the company, really, which isn't surprising) will probably never actually go out of business, because aside from the online stuff, there's no competition for them in Kingman).
I am a little sad. I'm sad that there won't be a rental place anymore, and I did have some good times at the store here--back in college, at least. Jenny and I both did, and we made some good friends and got up to quite a bit of mischief around that place. It wasn't the best place to work even in college, but I'm appalled at how far down hill it went in the time between then and when I worked there last year. And there were a few co-workers I actually liked and thought were decent people and I hope that they're all able to find new jobs quickly. (But honestly, they all barely did better than me in the hours department so I'm sure that whatever work they do find will be a step up for them).
I'm glad I got out when I did. I remember thinking in November that I was such an idiot for just quitting the way I did and being so worried that I'd done the wrong thing--but now more than ever I feel like I definitely made the best choice, because not only did I find a killer new job that I'm really loving, but I also escaped the stress of having to worry about finding a new job and all that when the store closed. I almost feel "I told you so" about it, because I came up here doing everything right per corporate standards, the way I was trained, and I was basically hated for it. My co-workers were like lol, look at this idiot actually doing her job and not cutting all the corners. And now . . . they're out of a job! And in my head I'm like, I tried.
It's sad because this store had a lot of potential. It had a great location close to campus and if it had been managed better I think it could have done SO well. But it seems, at the same time, like it was destined to fail, because something about it just always felt off. This store just never had the same sense of work ethic as the Kingman store or other ones I've been to (the downside of living in a college town: lots of college student employees who don't actually give a shit about the job). And whenever there was a manager there who actually tried to make people work and do their jobs correctly, the staff would make them so miserable with their assholeishness about it that the manager would end up leaving (I saw this happen to 2 managers and I don't blame them at all for leaving). It's so sad. It's so stupid. Especially considering that in an economy where a lot of people need jobs very badly you could probably be picky and hire a really great crew.
Oh well. All those suggestions are too late now. I wish some of them the best and most of them not the best. (I have no desire to be the bigger person when it comes to that place).
I'm definitely going to hit up the going out of business sale because why not? Plus . . . ok, I haven't been in Hastings since I quit, because I hate it there and just didn't want to go in. But I feel like now that they're all about to lose their jobs and I'm in a really good work position . . . I'll mind less going in. Good lord, that makes me sound like a horrible, horrible person, but it's true! After what I said when I left about the store being so unprofessional it would have been a little embarrassing to go in and potentially have to admit that I was still unemployed . . . but now I look better than them in comparison. (I swear I'm actually a good person . . . I just hate that place and the people there so, so much). Most of them treated me like complete shit and acted like I was a moron when I actually knew more about the company than they did, and it's really just a wonderful feeling to see such misplaced arrogance cut down. I definitely don't want to go in and rub it in their faces that I'm doing well Hastings free, but I feel like I earned the right to go in and shop and silently gloat. (I got fucking keys thrown at me by a manager when I worked there, so I earned it!)
Anyway. So that's that. So long, Hastings 9816.
MHC Day #1
I started work today, and I would say that overall it was quite a success.
Sleeping last night, however, was not a success, and I think I got 2.5 hours total. Lovely. I was so exhausted when I dragged myself out of bed this morning. But still, I did it, and I managed to be showered, blow dried, moisturized, perfumed, dressed, bundled up and ready to go almost on time . . . we did have to run to the bus stop. (Since Jerbs and I work at the same time now we get to catch the same bus in the morning!)
Anyway, I got there on time, and today was all the boring housekeeping type stuff--tax paperwork, new hire paperwork, the employee handbook, HIPAA training videos, OSHA training videos, etc. Between how dull it was and already being exhausted, I almost fell asleep at my desk.
But still it was a good day. I have my own little half an office with a big desk (which I am nerdily excited about). A bunch of people kept stopping by my office or stopping me in the halls/staff rooms to introduce themselves to me and welcome me aboard, which was very nice. I felt really, really welcome, and I got a good vibe from everyone I met--I can't see myself disliking any of them. And my more immediate co-workers are all fabulous.
Tomorrow I get to shadow one of the other billers, so it should be more interesting than today!
Sleeping last night, however, was not a success, and I think I got 2.5 hours total. Lovely. I was so exhausted when I dragged myself out of bed this morning. But still, I did it, and I managed to be showered, blow dried, moisturized, perfumed, dressed, bundled up and ready to go almost on time . . . we did have to run to the bus stop. (Since Jerbs and I work at the same time now we get to catch the same bus in the morning!)
Anyway, I got there on time, and today was all the boring housekeeping type stuff--tax paperwork, new hire paperwork, the employee handbook, HIPAA training videos, OSHA training videos, etc. Between how dull it was and already being exhausted, I almost fell asleep at my desk.
But still it was a good day. I have my own little half an office with a big desk (which I am nerdily excited about). A bunch of people kept stopping by my office or stopping me in the halls/staff rooms to introduce themselves to me and welcome me aboard, which was very nice. I felt really, really welcome, and I got a good vibe from everyone I met--I can't see myself disliking any of them. And my more immediate co-workers are all fabulous.
Tomorrow I get to shadow one of the other billers, so it should be more interesting than today!
Oh, Y'know
I start work on Wednesday at 8 AM! I'm so excited!!
I'm nervous too. Mostly I'm worried about the adjusting--I'm about to go from sleeping until (after) noon to having to be ready to go and out the door by 7:10 AM. Blech. And the thing is I'm still having hypersomnia issues, and I can't fight through the tired like normal people can. Like, if my alarm goes off and I'm still exhausted, I can't seem to suck it up and get out of bed anyway. I'm hoping that having a job will make it easier, and I'm also hoping that my body will cooperate and go to bed when I tell it too. And I'm sure that being unmedicated at the moment is not helping and that once my Lithium levels are back up I'll be better about actually getting up. Plus I'm nervous about having to postpone my psych appointment
Speaking of medication, I finally got my prescription today. Hallefreakingllujah. It was a frustrating process because on the 12th, I logged on to the WalMart pharmacy thing, and saw that my doctor had given me 3 Lithium refills. I was like yay! and immediately requested a refill online. When I logged on the next day, though, the order was cancelled--no idea why. So I requested another one, and when I logged on today, it was also cancelled. I called the WalMart pharmacy (and let me tell you I was ready to go to battle!) and the pharmacist was like, "That's weird, because I have a prescription all ready for you." Thank goodness.
Also healthcare related, I got a voicemail from my doctor today about my lab work. Everything looked good but my thyroid is still a little elevated (dammit) so I'm going to have to follow up on that. Sigh. I had so hoped the first elevated result was just a fluke. Not a huge deal but still. The thing is, I'm not so worried about having to follow up now that I'll be financially able to. I'd just rather have to not treat something else with medication . . . but at the same time, I really don't think I'm interested in trying anything but Lithium for the bipolar disorder.
I also found out today that the gym I want to join (the one co-owned by MHC) is running a killer special if you join in January so I'm excited about that. Because getting home after sunset when it's 3 degrees outside is most definitely going to prevent me from walking to the work out room. And I'm sure that there's some sort of employee discount but in case that doesn't take effect until I'm elligible for benefits, I'd be willing to just join now and pay out of pocket for it.
Overall, a lot to be happy about right now.
I'm nervous too. Mostly I'm worried about the adjusting--I'm about to go from sleeping until (after) noon to having to be ready to go and out the door by 7:10 AM. Blech. And the thing is I'm still having hypersomnia issues, and I can't fight through the tired like normal people can. Like, if my alarm goes off and I'm still exhausted, I can't seem to suck it up and get out of bed anyway. I'm hoping that having a job will make it easier, and I'm also hoping that my body will cooperate and go to bed when I tell it too. And I'm sure that being unmedicated at the moment is not helping and that once my Lithium levels are back up I'll be better about actually getting up. Plus I'm nervous about having to postpone my psych appointment
Speaking of medication, I finally got my prescription today. Hallefreakingllujah. It was a frustrating process because on the 12th, I logged on to the WalMart pharmacy thing, and saw that my doctor had given me 3 Lithium refills. I was like yay! and immediately requested a refill online. When I logged on the next day, though, the order was cancelled--no idea why. So I requested another one, and when I logged on today, it was also cancelled. I called the WalMart pharmacy (and let me tell you I was ready to go to battle!) and the pharmacist was like, "That's weird, because I have a prescription all ready for you." Thank goodness.
Also healthcare related, I got a voicemail from my doctor today about my lab work. Everything looked good but my thyroid is still a little elevated (dammit) so I'm going to have to follow up on that. Sigh. I had so hoped the first elevated result was just a fluke. Not a huge deal but still. The thing is, I'm not so worried about having to follow up now that I'll be financially able to. I'd just rather have to not treat something else with medication . . . but at the same time, I really don't think I'm interested in trying anything but Lithium for the bipolar disorder.
I also found out today that the gym I want to join (the one co-owned by MHC) is running a killer special if you join in January so I'm excited about that. Because getting home after sunset when it's 3 degrees outside is most definitely going to prevent me from walking to the work out room. And I'm sure that there's some sort of employee discount but in case that doesn't take effect until I'm elligible for benefits, I'd be willing to just join now and pay out of pocket for it.
Overall, a lot to be happy about right now.
Worst. Workout. Ever.
Remember how I mentioned it's freaking cold as crap out at the moment?
Well, it still is. And this afternoon my thought process was going something like this: it is way too cold to go work out today . . . but I didn't work out yesterday or the day before and I really want to . . . but do I really feel like walking all that way in this? . . . but this is probably the warmest it'll be today so it's now or never, I should just suck it up and go . . .
So I did. I put on my workout clothes (leggings, tank top, sports bra, etc). Then I put on another pair of sweats over my leggings and a long sleeved shirt over my tank top. Then I put on my big winter coat, my hat, and my gloves. Make sure all the stuff I need (iPod, earbuds, water, hair tie) is in my bag and off I go. Trekked over to the workout room, stripped down to my actual workout clothes, and hopped on the machine. And in my head I'm like, damn, I'm awesome today, go me.
Then wouldn't you know it, my freaking iPod is dead. And that's weird, because I am really anal about my iPod--I charged it yesterday and the battery was full, and when I put it in my bag, I make sure it's turned off and locked so that it can't accidentally turn on and drain the battery. I was ticked, but at the same time, I was like, I walked all the way over here, I'm going to work out. I did attempt to turn the TV on, but I could only find 3 channels (GAC, the NAU channel, and something else . . . can't remember what), so I gave up and worked out in silence. I did manage 20 minutes on the elliptical, which is less than I wanted but considering the cold, how crappy I feel because my Lithium levels are low, and no distraction to make the work out more bearable . . . well, I'm patting myself on the back!
I did my 20 minutes in 10 minute chunks. Right before I started my second 10 minutes, this couple came into the workout room. And I admit that I'm still kind of in that mindset of going bleeeeccchhh every time I see a cutesy couple. They each took a treadmill, and he was in front of her. Before he started his workout he looked back, said, "Hey," and blew her a kiss when she looked up. So I was like even more bleeeeechhhh. (And Corey used to blow me kisses all the time . . . at church, during orchestra, during bells, when we were driving, etc). Not. Pleasant.
I can't wait to join a real gym. Seriously, can't freaking wait.
Well, it still is. And this afternoon my thought process was going something like this: it is way too cold to go work out today . . . but I didn't work out yesterday or the day before and I really want to . . . but do I really feel like walking all that way in this? . . . but this is probably the warmest it'll be today so it's now or never, I should just suck it up and go . . .
So I did. I put on my workout clothes (leggings, tank top, sports bra, etc). Then I put on another pair of sweats over my leggings and a long sleeved shirt over my tank top. Then I put on my big winter coat, my hat, and my gloves. Make sure all the stuff I need (iPod, earbuds, water, hair tie) is in my bag and off I go. Trekked over to the workout room, stripped down to my actual workout clothes, and hopped on the machine. And in my head I'm like, damn, I'm awesome today, go me.
Then wouldn't you know it, my freaking iPod is dead. And that's weird, because I am really anal about my iPod--I charged it yesterday and the battery was full, and when I put it in my bag, I make sure it's turned off and locked so that it can't accidentally turn on and drain the battery. I was ticked, but at the same time, I was like, I walked all the way over here, I'm going to work out. I did attempt to turn the TV on, but I could only find 3 channels (GAC, the NAU channel, and something else . . . can't remember what), so I gave up and worked out in silence. I did manage 20 minutes on the elliptical, which is less than I wanted but considering the cold, how crappy I feel because my Lithium levels are low, and no distraction to make the work out more bearable . . . well, I'm patting myself on the back!
I did my 20 minutes in 10 minute chunks. Right before I started my second 10 minutes, this couple came into the workout room. And I admit that I'm still kind of in that mindset of going bleeeeccchhh every time I see a cutesy couple. They each took a treadmill, and he was in front of her. Before he started his workout he looked back, said, "Hey," and blew her a kiss when she looked up. So I was like even more bleeeeechhhh. (And Corey used to blow me kisses all the time . . . at church, during orchestra, during bells, when we were driving, etc). Not. Pleasant.
I can't wait to join a real gym. Seriously, can't freaking wait.
Fuh.Ree.Zing. & Other Stuff From Today
First and foremost, it's cold. Really freaking cold. Jerbs and I were walking home from the bus stop at about 7:30 PM and it was 17 degrees out. I actually wore my thermal pants under my jeans today.
Besides the cold . . . let's see.
I had intended to go get my lab work done yesterday, after we picked up my application from MHC (my new place of employment) and had lunch. Halfway through lunch, though, I asked Jerbs if she had my lab order with her, since it had been in her bag last I'd known. She said she'd set it on the coffee table so I could hold on to it, which I didn't know. And there wasn't time to go all the way home, get the lab order, and make it to the lab before 4 (which is when they close).
So today I got up and left with Jerbs at a little after 7 AM, figuring I'd just get it out of the way. I had to stop at the ATM and take cash out of Jerbs' account, so my plan was to do that, have breakfast to break a couple twenties (if you pay cash you have to pay with exact change, and since medical prices reset at the first of the year, I didn't know exactly what I'd need). Well, not long after we got on the bus, I realized I'd forgotten the lab order. Again.
I went to the ATM and took out a little money (it was the ATM in Biff's so you can't do much with it), had breakfast, went home and got the lab order, stopped at the BoA ATM near the bus stop and took out the rest of the money, went to Safeway and broke another twenty, and then, finally, I got on the bus to the lab. Once I actually made it to the lab with my lab order, it was a super fast process. I think I was there for 7 minutes.
I came home and took a nap, during which I had a really, really, really bad dream that is still making me anxious even right now, which sucks.
I met Jerbs at the bus transfer station so we could go to the new WalMart* and do some grocery shopping. Because grocery shopping is good and having plenty of food to eat at home definitely keeps me from eating out as much.
The ride home sucked because a very drunk guy sat one seat away from Jerbs and me and continued to try to talk to us . . . even though we both completely ignored him. I eventually put in my earbuds and listened to music and Jerbs started reading on her Kindle . . . and in response, this guy started tapping me on the arm. At this point I was pissed, so we decided to move at the next stop . . . and wouldn't you know, that was the stop this douche got off at. Whatever, I was just relieved. I hate drunk people, because I absolutely see no point in getting that trashed and then bothering people on public transportation. And this guy smelled awful. He smelled like green bean casserole . . . if one of the key ingredients in green bean casserole was a quart of vodka. Sick.
So that was today. I'm relieved to have my lab work done. Now the next hurdle is postponing my appointment with my doctor, which I'm sure will make him just super happy. But the appointment is this coming Wednesday and there's a good chance that'll be my first or second day of work at MHC, and I want to make a good first impression.
*Flagstaff has two WalMarts. The old one is not a super center so it only has a few groceries. The new one is a super center so it has a full grocery section.
Besides the cold . . . let's see.
I had intended to go get my lab work done yesterday, after we picked up my application from MHC (my new place of employment) and had lunch. Halfway through lunch, though, I asked Jerbs if she had my lab order with her, since it had been in her bag last I'd known. She said she'd set it on the coffee table so I could hold on to it, which I didn't know. And there wasn't time to go all the way home, get the lab order, and make it to the lab before 4 (which is when they close).
So today I got up and left with Jerbs at a little after 7 AM, figuring I'd just get it out of the way. I had to stop at the ATM and take cash out of Jerbs' account, so my plan was to do that, have breakfast to break a couple twenties (if you pay cash you have to pay with exact change, and since medical prices reset at the first of the year, I didn't know exactly what I'd need). Well, not long after we got on the bus, I realized I'd forgotten the lab order. Again.
I went to the ATM and took out a little money (it was the ATM in Biff's so you can't do much with it), had breakfast, went home and got the lab order, stopped at the BoA ATM near the bus stop and took out the rest of the money, went to Safeway and broke another twenty, and then, finally, I got on the bus to the lab. Once I actually made it to the lab with my lab order, it was a super fast process. I think I was there for 7 minutes.
I came home and took a nap, during which I had a really, really, really bad dream that is still making me anxious even right now, which sucks.
I met Jerbs at the bus transfer station so we could go to the new WalMart* and do some grocery shopping. Because grocery shopping is good and having plenty of food to eat at home definitely keeps me from eating out as much.
The ride home sucked because a very drunk guy sat one seat away from Jerbs and me and continued to try to talk to us . . . even though we both completely ignored him. I eventually put in my earbuds and listened to music and Jerbs started reading on her Kindle . . . and in response, this guy started tapping me on the arm. At this point I was pissed, so we decided to move at the next stop . . . and wouldn't you know, that was the stop this douche got off at. Whatever, I was just relieved. I hate drunk people, because I absolutely see no point in getting that trashed and then bothering people on public transportation. And this guy smelled awful. He smelled like green bean casserole . . . if one of the key ingredients in green bean casserole was a quart of vodka. Sick.
So that was today. I'm relieved to have my lab work done. Now the next hurdle is postponing my appointment with my doctor, which I'm sure will make him just super happy. But the appointment is this coming Wednesday and there's a good chance that'll be my first or second day of work at MHC, and I want to make a good first impression.
*Flagstaff has two WalMarts. The old one is not a super center so it only has a few groceries. The new one is a super center so it has a full grocery section.
From Email to EMPLOYED
That's right!! As of today, I officially have a JOB!!!!!
I'm going to post the whole story, because I'm just that freakin' excited.
Back at the beginning of December (or at least that's about what I figure based on email) I sent my resume in response to a Craigslist ad for a medical billing position at a cardiology clinic. I figured that with my front desk experience I at least had a decent shot at it. But I never heard anything, and at the time I was applying for job after job after job, so I pretty much forgot about it.
So fast forward to December 19th. It was late at night, and I randomly decided to check my "professional" email (aka my email address that actually has my name in it, which I use on my resume and for more professional than personal stuff). I check that email very, very rarely, since all that usually comes to that email are mailing lists and newsletters. Well, that night, I had an email from a woman (the practice manager) that was in response to my resume for the billing position, thanking me for my interest in the job and asking me when I could come in for an interview. I was thrilled, and I emailed her back right that second. By the next afternoon she'd emailed me back, and the following day (Friday, Dec. 21st) I went in to interview with her.
It went incredibly well. She mostly told me about the practice and the doctors, went over hours and benefits, asked me about my experience in medical office, and all that. I felt completely at ease with her, and at the end of the interview she told me she wanted me to meet the business manager for a second interview. The problem was that it was a Friday, and on Friday the billers and the managers only work until noon, and at the end of my interview it was already 11:30. The business manager was on vacation the next week, which meant that after the 21st, she wouldn't be in the office until the 31st. And naturally, the clinic would be closed on the 1st of the year--which meant I'd have to wait until the 2nd or 3rd of January for my interview. That was a little crappy, but oh well--I was just happy to have had an interview and to have been asked back for a second one.
I left felling really, really good about the whole thing. I thought the interview had gone as well as it could have, I thought I'd come across really well, I thought the practice manager and I clicked well, and I just had a good feeling about this one. I felt like . . . yep, this one's mine. I was feeling superstitious so the only people who knew about the interviews were my family, Jerbs, and Theresa. (My mom said she had a good feeling about it too, which gave me a confidence boost). I literally didn't say a word to anybody else, and in the time between interviews, I prayed, crossed my fingers, and wished on every star, eye lash, and 11:11 I possibly could.
I waited as patiently as I could until the 31st, and called their business manager to set up my interview. She asked me to come on the 2nd (a Wednesday). I got to the clinic on the 2nd and the practice manager, who did my first interview, took me back to the conference room to introduce me to the business manager. To my surprise, the business manager had brought the three other members of the billing department to sit in and ask questions as well--which at first totally unnerved me. As the practice manager left, though, she patted me on the shoulder and wished me luck, which was just really sweet.
Well, the second interview went fantastic. All 4 women asked me questions, and they seemed to love a lot of my answers. And it was pretty clear right away that my personality would mesh really, really well with all of them. It was seriously the best interview I've ever been on. It was a great blend of serious questions and telling them why they wanted me on their team, to just sharing stories about working in medical offices and laughing. It was awesome. Again, I left with a really, really good feeling. I was just really sure that I could work well with the people I'd met, and that I'd fit in well with their staff.
The business manager said she wanted to decide by the end of the week, and by Friday I hadn't heard anything. I was so disappointed, but I still had a good feeling about it. I didn't hear anything on Monday either, so I checked my email again, just in case. Well, I had an email from the business manager. It was basically a link to this website and I had to take these 4 little assessment things--they were just like those personality things that are on every application, so I did those, and the following morning, I left a voice mail for the business manager letting her know those were done.
I heard nothing during the rest of Tuesday, and nothing on Wednesday. I was starting to panic a little and then, this morning, at around 11 AM, I finally got the call. The business manager apologized for not calling sooner and said she'd been sick and mostly voiceless, told me the results of my little assessments indicated that I'd be a good fit for them, and offered me the position! (And told me how much it paid, which made me even happier). I just keep thinking of all the interviews I had up till now, all the disappointment in not being offered those jobs--but it was for good reason, because I ended up right where I was supposed to, I think.
So I went in this afternoon and picked up an official application and signed off on allowing them to do a background check, and as soon as that comes back clean or whatever, I get to start work.
I am beyond thrilled. I can't even describe the relief I felt when she told me I got the job. Relief and gratitude. My hands were shaking when I hung up the phone and I actually started crying. I am so, so grateful for this opportunity. For so many reasons. I'm so happy that I can stop being a burden to Jerbs, that I can start to take care of myself, that I can just not be constantly panicking about money, that I'll have something that makes me feel not useless.
Honestly, I owe a lot of it to the clinic. One of my jobs as a receptionist was posting charges and payments to patient accounts--which at most medical offices is something the billing dept., not the front desk, does. It was aggravating at times, but knowing at least a little of the billing side of things definitely worked in my favor. Plus working at the clinic taught me what questions to ask, if that makes sense: I asked at my first interview about the services the clinic did and their scope of care, what insurances they were contracted with, what medical software they used for front desk and billing, how much of their records were EMR, etc. I think asking things like that made me look interested, serious, and knowledgeable.
I think this is going to be a great thing for me. I already really like the people I'll be working most closely with. And I love the clinic itself. It's a cardiology clinic that opened less than four years ago (I remember when they opened, because I was at the clinic at the time, and they gave us a ton of their info. pamphlets) and in four years they have grown tremendously. They started out with four doctors and two administrators and now have a staff of 54 . . . I guess 55, counting me! They have a big scope of care, because they have not only cardiologists, but a psychologist, a nutritionist, an electrophysiologist (who comes up from PHX once a week), and a full sleep clinic. They co-own a fitness center (which is right across the street from them, so yes, I'll definitely be joining when I can). They do satellite clinics in Winslow, Page, and Sedona. It's an incredibly successful practice, and I'm excited to be working for them. I've never been so excited about a business I'm working for. I love how many services they offer in the name of heart health--who would have ever thought that psychology and sleep studies were necessary in cardiology? It's innovative, and I like that a lot.
Plus, I'm glad I'll get to learn medical billing, because that's a skill that'll come in handy. I'm really looking at this as a career move, not a job. Because as much as I want to use my degree someday, I would probably be OK doing something like medical billing as my career, because I have plenty of ways to indulge my lit. nerdiness elsewhere. There's a lot of potential in medical billing, and I really believe that it'll make getting a job wherever I move to a lot easier.
And that's that. I'm so happy, and this is the best way to really start the year that I could imagine. My friend Bridget once said (in a comment on this blog about another job interview, actually) that it was about time for me to hit my "up and over" phase. I think that's a perfect way to describe it.
So up and over I go.
I'm going to post the whole story, because I'm just that freakin' excited.
Back at the beginning of December (or at least that's about what I figure based on email) I sent my resume in response to a Craigslist ad for a medical billing position at a cardiology clinic. I figured that with my front desk experience I at least had a decent shot at it. But I never heard anything, and at the time I was applying for job after job after job, so I pretty much forgot about it.
So fast forward to December 19th. It was late at night, and I randomly decided to check my "professional" email (aka my email address that actually has my name in it, which I use on my resume and for more professional than personal stuff). I check that email very, very rarely, since all that usually comes to that email are mailing lists and newsletters. Well, that night, I had an email from a woman (the practice manager) that was in response to my resume for the billing position, thanking me for my interest in the job and asking me when I could come in for an interview. I was thrilled, and I emailed her back right that second. By the next afternoon she'd emailed me back, and the following day (Friday, Dec. 21st) I went in to interview with her.
It went incredibly well. She mostly told me about the practice and the doctors, went over hours and benefits, asked me about my experience in medical office, and all that. I felt completely at ease with her, and at the end of the interview she told me she wanted me to meet the business manager for a second interview. The problem was that it was a Friday, and on Friday the billers and the managers only work until noon, and at the end of my interview it was already 11:30. The business manager was on vacation the next week, which meant that after the 21st, she wouldn't be in the office until the 31st. And naturally, the clinic would be closed on the 1st of the year--which meant I'd have to wait until the 2nd or 3rd of January for my interview. That was a little crappy, but oh well--I was just happy to have had an interview and to have been asked back for a second one.
I left felling really, really good about the whole thing. I thought the interview had gone as well as it could have, I thought I'd come across really well, I thought the practice manager and I clicked well, and I just had a good feeling about this one. I felt like . . . yep, this one's mine. I was feeling superstitious so the only people who knew about the interviews were my family, Jerbs, and Theresa. (My mom said she had a good feeling about it too, which gave me a confidence boost). I literally didn't say a word to anybody else, and in the time between interviews, I prayed, crossed my fingers, and wished on every star, eye lash, and 11:11 I possibly could.
I waited as patiently as I could until the 31st, and called their business manager to set up my interview. She asked me to come on the 2nd (a Wednesday). I got to the clinic on the 2nd and the practice manager, who did my first interview, took me back to the conference room to introduce me to the business manager. To my surprise, the business manager had brought the three other members of the billing department to sit in and ask questions as well--which at first totally unnerved me. As the practice manager left, though, she patted me on the shoulder and wished me luck, which was just really sweet.
Well, the second interview went fantastic. All 4 women asked me questions, and they seemed to love a lot of my answers. And it was pretty clear right away that my personality would mesh really, really well with all of them. It was seriously the best interview I've ever been on. It was a great blend of serious questions and telling them why they wanted me on their team, to just sharing stories about working in medical offices and laughing. It was awesome. Again, I left with a really, really good feeling. I was just really sure that I could work well with the people I'd met, and that I'd fit in well with their staff.
The business manager said she wanted to decide by the end of the week, and by Friday I hadn't heard anything. I was so disappointed, but I still had a good feeling about it. I didn't hear anything on Monday either, so I checked my email again, just in case. Well, I had an email from the business manager. It was basically a link to this website and I had to take these 4 little assessment things--they were just like those personality things that are on every application, so I did those, and the following morning, I left a voice mail for the business manager letting her know those were done.
I heard nothing during the rest of Tuesday, and nothing on Wednesday. I was starting to panic a little and then, this morning, at around 11 AM, I finally got the call. The business manager apologized for not calling sooner and said she'd been sick and mostly voiceless, told me the results of my little assessments indicated that I'd be a good fit for them, and offered me the position! (And told me how much it paid, which made me even happier). I just keep thinking of all the interviews I had up till now, all the disappointment in not being offered those jobs--but it was for good reason, because I ended up right where I was supposed to, I think.
So I went in this afternoon and picked up an official application and signed off on allowing them to do a background check, and as soon as that comes back clean or whatever, I get to start work.
I am beyond thrilled. I can't even describe the relief I felt when she told me I got the job. Relief and gratitude. My hands were shaking when I hung up the phone and I actually started crying. I am so, so grateful for this opportunity. For so many reasons. I'm so happy that I can stop being a burden to Jerbs, that I can start to take care of myself, that I can just not be constantly panicking about money, that I'll have something that makes me feel not useless.
Honestly, I owe a lot of it to the clinic. One of my jobs as a receptionist was posting charges and payments to patient accounts--which at most medical offices is something the billing dept., not the front desk, does. It was aggravating at times, but knowing at least a little of the billing side of things definitely worked in my favor. Plus working at the clinic taught me what questions to ask, if that makes sense: I asked at my first interview about the services the clinic did and their scope of care, what insurances they were contracted with, what medical software they used for front desk and billing, how much of their records were EMR, etc. I think asking things like that made me look interested, serious, and knowledgeable.
I think this is going to be a great thing for me. I already really like the people I'll be working most closely with. And I love the clinic itself. It's a cardiology clinic that opened less than four years ago (I remember when they opened, because I was at the clinic at the time, and they gave us a ton of their info. pamphlets) and in four years they have grown tremendously. They started out with four doctors and two administrators and now have a staff of 54 . . . I guess 55, counting me! They have a big scope of care, because they have not only cardiologists, but a psychologist, a nutritionist, an electrophysiologist (who comes up from PHX once a week), and a full sleep clinic. They co-own a fitness center (which is right across the street from them, so yes, I'll definitely be joining when I can). They do satellite clinics in Winslow, Page, and Sedona. It's an incredibly successful practice, and I'm excited to be working for them. I've never been so excited about a business I'm working for. I love how many services they offer in the name of heart health--who would have ever thought that psychology and sleep studies were necessary in cardiology? It's innovative, and I like that a lot.
Plus, I'm glad I'll get to learn medical billing, because that's a skill that'll come in handy. I'm really looking at this as a career move, not a job. Because as much as I want to use my degree someday, I would probably be OK doing something like medical billing as my career, because I have plenty of ways to indulge my lit. nerdiness elsewhere. There's a lot of potential in medical billing, and I really believe that it'll make getting a job wherever I move to a lot easier.
And that's that. I'm so happy, and this is the best way to really start the year that I could imagine. My friend Bridget once said (in a comment on this blog about another job interview, actually) that it was about time for me to hit my "up and over" phase. I think that's a perfect way to describe it.
So up and over I go.
Unmedicated & Miserable
Due to a set of circumstances (some out of my control, some not) I am currently unmedicated.
Basically, I was supposed to get lab work done back in October/November. Before I could, I accidentally threw out my lab orders (I am a genius). I called my doctor a few times, and since his receptionist NEVER answers the phone, I left messages, asking him to please fax the lab orders to Staples. I left the fax # a few times and the orders never came. And then I got distracted by the holidays and all that so . . . yeah. I called the office yesterday morning and left another message along the same lines, and Jerbs overheard me and promptly informed me that I'd been reversing two of the numbers in the fax number . . . which explained why I'd never gotten a fax from my doctor in November. So I called back with the right number (also via message) and hopefully when Jerbs goes back to work tomorrow the fax will be waiting for her so I can get my labs done. Because no labs=no refills on my Lithium, which is why I'm currently out. I requested a refill online hoping that I could maybe get some before I get the labs done, but that's unlikely. Worse case scenario I'll have to wait until my next Dr.'s appt. on the 16th to get meds.
Anyway, I am freaking miserable. I just feel like crap. It's started to get really bad over the past couple of days. I can feel my mind getting manic, I can feel myself panicking over little things, I can't focus, I can't sleep, I have headaches, the tension in my forehead has come back with a vengeance, the little OCD things I have are getting worse, I'm getting progressively more irritable . . . it sucks. Suuuuucks. I'm struggling just to get through the days right now and I really, really hate it. Jerbs has commented that she's noticed a significant change in me.
I can't believe I used to live like this. I can't believe this used to be my normal. Every time I lapse in treatment I realize how much the treatment is helping me. I'm very, very angry at myself that this lapse has happened, but . . . I honestly tried, and I know that there's nothing about it that was deliberate. It's just frustrating.
Hopefully this will be the last lapse. That's my goal, anyhow. Once I get my Li refill this month, I am NOT going to let my treatment drop again.
EDIT 01/06: Amazing how things work when you give people the correct information! My lab order was waiting for Jerbs at Staples today. I'm going to make like 7 copies of it so that I always have a backup! So that's one hurdle cleared . . . now I have to figure out the financial part . . . yikes.
Basically, I was supposed to get lab work done back in October/November. Before I could, I accidentally threw out my lab orders (I am a genius). I called my doctor a few times, and since his receptionist NEVER answers the phone, I left messages, asking him to please fax the lab orders to Staples. I left the fax # a few times and the orders never came. And then I got distracted by the holidays and all that so . . . yeah. I called the office yesterday morning and left another message along the same lines, and Jerbs overheard me and promptly informed me that I'd been reversing two of the numbers in the fax number . . . which explained why I'd never gotten a fax from my doctor in November. So I called back with the right number (also via message) and hopefully when Jerbs goes back to work tomorrow the fax will be waiting for her so I can get my labs done. Because no labs=no refills on my Lithium, which is why I'm currently out. I requested a refill online hoping that I could maybe get some before I get the labs done, but that's unlikely. Worse case scenario I'll have to wait until my next Dr.'s appt. on the 16th to get meds.
Anyway, I am freaking miserable. I just feel like crap. It's started to get really bad over the past couple of days. I can feel my mind getting manic, I can feel myself panicking over little things, I can't focus, I can't sleep, I have headaches, the tension in my forehead has come back with a vengeance, the little OCD things I have are getting worse, I'm getting progressively more irritable . . . it sucks. Suuuuucks. I'm struggling just to get through the days right now and I really, really hate it. Jerbs has commented that she's noticed a significant change in me.
I can't believe I used to live like this. I can't believe this used to be my normal. Every time I lapse in treatment I realize how much the treatment is helping me. I'm very, very angry at myself that this lapse has happened, but . . . I honestly tried, and I know that there's nothing about it that was deliberate. It's just frustrating.
Hopefully this will be the last lapse. That's my goal, anyhow. Once I get my Li refill this month, I am NOT going to let my treatment drop again.
EDIT 01/06: Amazing how things work when you give people the correct information! My lab order was waiting for Jerbs at Staples today. I'm going to make like 7 copies of it so that I always have a backup! So that's one hurdle cleared . . . now I have to figure out the financial part . . . yikes.
Weigh In # 1 (2013)
Since I pretty much quit making any effort to lose weight at the end of 2012, I thought I'd just start the whole process over with the start of the new year. So no more weekly weigh ins and updates, just monthly ones. I feel like that'll be more doable.
So January 1st. Weight 181.6 (courtesy of my new digital scale).
Hopefully that number will be a lot lower on February 1st.
New Year, New Hair
I kicked off the new year (literally . . . I started on this right after Jerbs and I watched the ball drop on TV) by dying my hair.
Normally I use a generic box dye from WalMart, because I'm not super picky about it. But for Christmas, my mom got me a giftcard to Sally's, so I thought I'd get a little fancier and buy the professional level dye that you mix yourself. I chose L'oreal Preference Mega Brown in chocolate, because I fell in love with the swatch at the store. Jerbs helped me and the process of mixing my own dye wasn't actually as intimidating as I'd expected.
Here's the before . . .
. . . and the supplies and the process . . .
Normally I use a generic box dye from WalMart, because I'm not super picky about it. But for Christmas, my mom got me a giftcard to Sally's, so I thought I'd get a little fancier and buy the professional level dye that you mix yourself. I chose L'oreal Preference Mega Brown in chocolate, because I fell in love with the swatch at the store. Jerbs helped me and the process of mixing my own dye wasn't actually as intimidating as I'd expected.
Here's the before . . .
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. . . and the after!
The after pictures don't really do justice to the color, but it is amazing--in the light you can see all the nuances of the color (the reds and violets) and it's beautiful. I love it, I think it suits me well, and I'm totally thrilled with how it turned out. I'm also really happy with the overall process. Mixing the dye was easy and not as intimidating as I'd expected, and the formula was really nice. It looked really gel like in the bowl and bottle, but it felt really creamy once it was applied, which was nice. The only thing I didn't like was how dry my hair felt after. But that was my fault--I'd bought a deep conditioning treatment for after the color part, but it apparently wasn't a very good one. So today my hair just felt a little dry, and I'm looking forward to washing and conditioning it tomorrow and seeing what it looks like then.
I think I'll stick with this color and method. It's definitely more expensive than the box dyes but given how fade resistant this stuff is supposed to be, that shouldn't be a huge deal. I think doing this every few months is well worth the price.
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