Yesterday while I was on my way to work (late, after a stupidly bad doctor's appointment that I'll probably write about later), I got two texts from Theresa.
"By my royal decree we are going to be workout buddies."
Followed by . . . .
"If we lose 15 lbs each we meet in Vegas to celebrate."
Um . . . yes please! That's some pretty awesome incentive because me, Theresa, and Vegas is a fantastic combination!
I believe this little challenge is starting on March 1st. I'm pretty excited . . . see why this girl is my BFF?
In other news, I still love my job (love it more every day, actually, which is amazing), I need to work on my money skills next month, my new bed is pretty awesome but possibly too firm for my liking at the moment, and . . . I think that's it.
Nothing terribly exciting in the everyday life stuff but I'm happy.
Win/Fail + Positive Changes
Win: Today at work I joined the gym! I'm so freaking excited about it I can't even tell you. Plus I most def got a little bit of the VIP treatment because of where I work . . . I seriously love my job. I had my workout stuff with me too, so I could get started after work.
Fail: Going to change at the gym and discovering that the black sports bra I'd thrown into my bag was, in fact, a pair of black panties that were apparently mixed in with my sports bras. So I didn't get my after work work out in and I was really, really disappointed. Sigh. I swear to God sometimes I just amaze myself! But it's a funny story and there's always tomorrow (I already made sure to put the correct under garment in my gym bag).
Since I started my getting better journey, I've noticed some positive changes in myself. Some are really obvious--like that I don't want to kill myself anymore and I don't scream and yell and throw things every other day. Some, though, are less obvious and only occur to me when they pop up.
For example, I've noticed that my old door mat tendencies have gone away, and I'm no longer afraid to stand up for myself. I've stopped backing down from my opinions to make other people happy and avoid confrontation. I mean, obviously I'm not going around picking arguments with people, I just . . . I stand my ground now.
My bed was supposed to be delivered today. They were supposed to call me before they brought it (and then I was supposed to call Jerbs since she was the one home), but I never heard from them, and by the time I was on the bus home at almost 6 PM my bed still wasn't here. So I called and the girl basically said she'd meant to call me and let me know that they were going to have to move my delivery to tomorrow.
I told her that no one would be home tomorrow and that that was why I'd asked for Tuesday. She told me the bed wasn't ready; I told her they could deliver it on Thursday. I also told her--firmly--that I was told Tuesday, and that if I had to wait, I would expect a refund of the delivery fee. She said she'd see what she could do, I heard back from her a few minutes later, and the end of the story is that my bed is here and I'll be sleeping in it tonight.
I was so proud of myself. Old me would have accepted a later delivery and then cried about it but instead, I stood up for myself. I held this company accountable for what the services they'd promised. I'm not mad at them or anything, but at the same time I most definitely wanted to make sure they held up their end. I mean, I gave them my business and my money, and I wanted what I'd paid for. I think this is another change in my way of thinking: knowing the difference (both emotionally and otherwise) of being mad at/hating someone/being offended by someone, and holding them accountable/expecting them to do their jobs. Like when someone tells me I did something wrong at work, I don't end up thinking they totally hate me or whatever, and I don't take it personally--I just fix what I did wrong, remember to do it right the next time around, and remind myself that I'm still learning. And at the end of the day I still like all my co-workers. And by the same token, I know that if I ask someone to do something or suggest something to them, they aren't mad at me for doing so. Does that make sense?
Anyway, there are more ways I've stood up for myself recently, and it's a good feeling. A good good feeling.
Fail: Going to change at the gym and discovering that the black sports bra I'd thrown into my bag was, in fact, a pair of black panties that were apparently mixed in with my sports bras. So I didn't get my after work work out in and I was really, really disappointed. Sigh. I swear to God sometimes I just amaze myself! But it's a funny story and there's always tomorrow (I already made sure to put the correct under garment in my gym bag).
Since I started my getting better journey, I've noticed some positive changes in myself. Some are really obvious--like that I don't want to kill myself anymore and I don't scream and yell and throw things every other day. Some, though, are less obvious and only occur to me when they pop up.
For example, I've noticed that my old door mat tendencies have gone away, and I'm no longer afraid to stand up for myself. I've stopped backing down from my opinions to make other people happy and avoid confrontation. I mean, obviously I'm not going around picking arguments with people, I just . . . I stand my ground now.
My bed was supposed to be delivered today. They were supposed to call me before they brought it (and then I was supposed to call Jerbs since she was the one home), but I never heard from them, and by the time I was on the bus home at almost 6 PM my bed still wasn't here. So I called and the girl basically said she'd meant to call me and let me know that they were going to have to move my delivery to tomorrow.
I told her that no one would be home tomorrow and that that was why I'd asked for Tuesday. She told me the bed wasn't ready; I told her they could deliver it on Thursday. I also told her--firmly--that I was told Tuesday, and that if I had to wait, I would expect a refund of the delivery fee. She said she'd see what she could do, I heard back from her a few minutes later, and the end of the story is that my bed is here and I'll be sleeping in it tonight.
I was so proud of myself. Old me would have accepted a later delivery and then cried about it but instead, I stood up for myself. I held this company accountable for what the services they'd promised. I'm not mad at them or anything, but at the same time I most definitely wanted to make sure they held up their end. I mean, I gave them my business and my money, and I wanted what I'd paid for. I think this is another change in my way of thinking: knowing the difference (both emotionally and otherwise) of being mad at/hating someone/being offended by someone, and holding them accountable/expecting them to do their jobs. Like when someone tells me I did something wrong at work, I don't end up thinking they totally hate me or whatever, and I don't take it personally--I just fix what I did wrong, remember to do it right the next time around, and remind myself that I'm still learning. And at the end of the day I still like all my co-workers. And by the same token, I know that if I ask someone to do something or suggest something to them, they aren't mad at me for doing so. Does that make sense?
Anyway, there are more ways I've stood up for myself recently, and it's a good feeling. A good good feeling.
Sad Pics of 9816
On Friday, after Jerbs and I ate dinner, we decided to go over to Hastings and see what they had for sale. I think I was expecting the store to look exactly how it had last time I was there in November, only with emptier shelves and lower prices.
And even though it was sad, I'm glad that Jerbs and I decided to go in there, because I wanted to say goodbye, and I feel like I got to. (I know, I'm so weird). It's going to be really bizarre to see Sprouts instead of Hastings in that plaza when it opens.
But to my surprise, the store was almost completely empty. The rental wall is empty, all but 2 bookshelves are empty, the entire kids book section is just gone, etc etc etc. It actually really depressed me and I might have teared up a little. I don't know why, because I really and truly hated that place, and I think closing the store is a good decision. It was still hard, though. Maybe because I did have some good times there in college. Maybe just because I don't like change or endings.
Anyway, Jerbs and I took some pictures since it was the last time we'd ever see that building as Hastings again . . . which is a weird, weird, weird thought.
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The rental wall (the blue part) and aisles that used to be for sale video. |
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Video games. These fixtures used to be rental games and game guides. |
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The trends section, where all the random stuff was-- board games, socks, magnets, lanyards, gag gifts, etc. That back wall was the t-shirt wall. |
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Empty bookcases. |
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Random extra fixtures just kind of hanging out down at the end of the rental wall, plus the edge of the video side of the video/music desk. |
There were only 4 people working in the store that night. And it was dead . . . there was only a handful of other customers, and this place used to be slammed on Friday nights.
I was disappointed that all the trends stuff was gone because that's what I'd wanted to buy on sale. Jerbs found some cheap DVD's though, so that's good.
Even though I 100% do NOT miss working there, I'll definitely miss Hastings, because I like the company, I liked this store (as far as buying things), and it's kind of a sentimental thing for me. I hope that all the people still working there--even the ones I don't like--are able to find new, better jobs now. (OK, I won't lie, I only wish that for most of them . . . there are a few I really despise and would love to see fail . . . I'm terrible).
A Great Saturday
Today I bought a bed!
Isn't that exciting? It doesn't sound too thrilling, I know, but I'm stoked about it!
That wasn't the only good part about today, though.
First, I actually woke up at a fairly normal time today . . . it was actually still morning and not afternoon, which is pretty rare for me on a day off. Then I found a lucky penny while I was walking to the bus stop. That sounds pretty lame too, but I'm kind of obsessed with symbols of good luck, and I get very excited whenever I find a lucky penny. And just FYI, pennies are only lucky if they're heads up when you find them. (Jerbs doesn't believe me but it's totally true).
Then I bought a bed. I went to this little mattress store that's in the same plaza as Michael's/JoAnn's. It's kind of out of the way, but I'd called them before I went and they had a good price for a twin mattress set. Of course I went back and forth on it the whole way there because that's just what I do. I went with the cheapest one they had ($149), and it's actually a really nice bed for the price. I was a little surprised at the quality. At one point the conversation with the sales people came to why I was purchasing a bed, and I told them the truth--that I had moved up here after a bad break up and was sick of sleeping on the floor. Well, later, as I was going to pay and arrange delivery, the guy asked where it needed to be delivered to. I told him it was across town, and he said that normally they charge $40 for deliver, but that since I "needed a break" he'd do it for $20. I told him that would be fantastic! Isn't that awesome? I mean, I felt a tid bit guilty because there's a lot more to the whole break up story than that but still . . . I've spent a lot of time crying and healing over it so why shouldn't I benefit a little from the sob story?
Then I went into Michael's because I wanted to buy a tote bag--something I can decorate myself and use to carry my workout stuff with me to work, since I intend to start doing that very soon. The one I wanted was $6.99 but the cashier scanned this random coupon for me and it ended up costing like $4.
And then I found another lucky penny!
All in all, not a bad Saturday.
Plus I had Mexican food with Jerbs, which is always fun.
My bed will be here Tuesday and I can't wait! Look at me making grown up purchases and stuff . . . it's a little crazy.
Isn't that exciting? It doesn't sound too thrilling, I know, but I'm stoked about it!
That wasn't the only good part about today, though.
First, I actually woke up at a fairly normal time today . . . it was actually still morning and not afternoon, which is pretty rare for me on a day off. Then I found a lucky penny while I was walking to the bus stop. That sounds pretty lame too, but I'm kind of obsessed with symbols of good luck, and I get very excited whenever I find a lucky penny. And just FYI, pennies are only lucky if they're heads up when you find them. (Jerbs doesn't believe me but it's totally true).
Then I bought a bed. I went to this little mattress store that's in the same plaza as Michael's/JoAnn's. It's kind of out of the way, but I'd called them before I went and they had a good price for a twin mattress set. Of course I went back and forth on it the whole way there because that's just what I do. I went with the cheapest one they had ($149), and it's actually a really nice bed for the price. I was a little surprised at the quality. At one point the conversation with the sales people came to why I was purchasing a bed, and I told them the truth--that I had moved up here after a bad break up and was sick of sleeping on the floor. Well, later, as I was going to pay and arrange delivery, the guy asked where it needed to be delivered to. I told him it was across town, and he said that normally they charge $40 for deliver, but that since I "needed a break" he'd do it for $20. I told him that would be fantastic! Isn't that awesome? I mean, I felt a tid bit guilty because there's a lot more to the whole break up story than that but still . . . I've spent a lot of time crying and healing over it so why shouldn't I benefit a little from the sob story?
Then I went into Michael's because I wanted to buy a tote bag--something I can decorate myself and use to carry my workout stuff with me to work, since I intend to start doing that very soon. The one I wanted was $6.99 but the cashier scanned this random coupon for me and it ended up costing like $4.
And then I found another lucky penny!
All in all, not a bad Saturday.
Plus I had Mexican food with Jerbs, which is always fun.
My bed will be here Tuesday and I can't wait! Look at me making grown up purchases and stuff . . . it's a little crazy.
On top of all the grumpiness and unpleasantness I mentioned before, I'm now sick. I've felt it coming on for a couple days and hoped it would just kind of pass, but this morning I woke up feeling like absolute shit. It feels like a really bad head cold/sinus infection. Yay.
And Jerbs is sick too and thinks she might have the flu. Even better.
I would really like my head to stop pounding and the room to stop spinning now.
I hate being sick.
And Jerbs is sick too and thinks she might have the flu. Even better.
I would really like my head to stop pounding and the room to stop spinning now.
I hate being sick.
Grump Grump Grump
For some reason, I've been grumpy lately. Maybe lately is the wrong way to say it since it's only been since yesterday but still.
I just woke up in a bad mood yesterday. A really bad mood. I'd slept fine and through the night (so rare for me), but as soon as I was up I was just . . . really grouchy. For the first time since I started I didn't want to go to work, and I didn't want to talk to Jerbs or anything. I don't really know why . . . it was just kind of one of those things. I was OK at work and actually got a lot done but I just felt kind of off throughout. I was so excited to get off at noon and come home and take a nap. But then Jerbs got off early and I just felt weirdly annoyed with her . . . which is stupid because she hasn't done anything, and I felt bad.
I'm still a little grouchy. For the rest of the day, after work, when I wasn't sleeping (I took a 4 hour nap . . . good job), I just felt off. Kinda cranky, kinda down in the dumps, kinda panicky. Like I said, I'm not really sure why . . . I have some theories, though.
I think the day started out badly because I decided to sleep in and skip showering, and even though I always think it's a good idea at the time, it never is, because I end up getting to work and feeling gross and ugly next to the other girls. (I work almost exclusively with women . . . the only man who works in the business office is our CEO). And of course that's not a good experience so yeah. Plus I wore new shoes today (I finally found cute boots with a little heel!) and even though that's a good thing, I think the combo of feeling like I looked like shit and wearing cute shoes made me feel silly. I know that sounds totally ridiculous, but it's true . . . I felt like an ugly little kid trying to wear big girl shoes. (I love the shoes though).
Plus lately I've just felt . . . I don't know, weak and tired and sluggish and HUGE. I think it's because I haven't worked out in quite awhile, which is lame. Hopefully that'll change next week . . . the person I need to talk to about joining the gym was out yesterday and today, so I sent her an email today. I can't wait to get back in the groove of working out. I've also been craving bad things lately, and I've eaten out more times than I should have this past week. Granted one day was my birthday, and two days were treats for Jerbs, but I'd wanted those 3 to be it and that definitely hasn't happened. I am still under my goal for the month, so I'm going to try really hard to stop. And then there's the ridiculous Dr. Pepper craving. Lately I've just been feeling like I NEED soda, especially at work (maybe because I'm tired? I don't know). But I was doing so well, craving more water and all that, and now all of a sudden . . . not so much. (I am still drinking a lot of water, though, which is somewhat of a plus). I'm not even going to say how much Dr. Pepper I've had in the past week because it's just too pathetic to admit publicly.
Most of it's probably just that my time of the month is about to start. I hate it so much.
The panic is mostly over money. I admit I did a lot of spending with this paycheck. But it was almost completely on stuff I needed (like some new work clothes and shoes, groceries, household stuff, etc), and a big chunk of it was a rent check to Jerbs. And honestly I'm making enough money to support myself but the thing is, I have to pick up my Lithium tomorrow (which is my expensive medicine) AND I have a doctor's appointment this coming Thursday. Combined that's nearly $200, which sucks. But I try to remind myself that I'll very rarely have those two expenses happen out of the same check (I only have to go to the doctor every 3 months), and that I get paid again the day after my doctor's appt., so really, I'll be fine. Still, it's a little daunting.
So that's that. Hopefully I get to feeling better soon, and hopefully this cycle doesn't suck too badly.
I just woke up in a bad mood yesterday. A really bad mood. I'd slept fine and through the night (so rare for me), but as soon as I was up I was just . . . really grouchy. For the first time since I started I didn't want to go to work, and I didn't want to talk to Jerbs or anything. I don't really know why . . . it was just kind of one of those things. I was OK at work and actually got a lot done but I just felt kind of off throughout. I was so excited to get off at noon and come home and take a nap. But then Jerbs got off early and I just felt weirdly annoyed with her . . . which is stupid because she hasn't done anything, and I felt bad.
I'm still a little grouchy. For the rest of the day, after work, when I wasn't sleeping (I took a 4 hour nap . . . good job), I just felt off. Kinda cranky, kinda down in the dumps, kinda panicky. Like I said, I'm not really sure why . . . I have some theories, though.
I think the day started out badly because I decided to sleep in and skip showering, and even though I always think it's a good idea at the time, it never is, because I end up getting to work and feeling gross and ugly next to the other girls. (I work almost exclusively with women . . . the only man who works in the business office is our CEO). And of course that's not a good experience so yeah. Plus I wore new shoes today (I finally found cute boots with a little heel!) and even though that's a good thing, I think the combo of feeling like I looked like shit and wearing cute shoes made me feel silly. I know that sounds totally ridiculous, but it's true . . . I felt like an ugly little kid trying to wear big girl shoes. (I love the shoes though).
Plus lately I've just felt . . . I don't know, weak and tired and sluggish and HUGE. I think it's because I haven't worked out in quite awhile, which is lame. Hopefully that'll change next week . . . the person I need to talk to about joining the gym was out yesterday and today, so I sent her an email today. I can't wait to get back in the groove of working out. I've also been craving bad things lately, and I've eaten out more times than I should have this past week. Granted one day was my birthday, and two days were treats for Jerbs, but I'd wanted those 3 to be it and that definitely hasn't happened. I am still under my goal for the month, so I'm going to try really hard to stop. And then there's the ridiculous Dr. Pepper craving. Lately I've just been feeling like I NEED soda, especially at work (maybe because I'm tired? I don't know). But I was doing so well, craving more water and all that, and now all of a sudden . . . not so much. (I am still drinking a lot of water, though, which is somewhat of a plus). I'm not even going to say how much Dr. Pepper I've had in the past week because it's just too pathetic to admit publicly.
Most of it's probably just that my time of the month is about to start. I hate it so much.
The panic is mostly over money. I admit I did a lot of spending with this paycheck. But it was almost completely on stuff I needed (like some new work clothes and shoes, groceries, household stuff, etc), and a big chunk of it was a rent check to Jerbs. And honestly I'm making enough money to support myself but the thing is, I have to pick up my Lithium tomorrow (which is my expensive medicine) AND I have a doctor's appointment this coming Thursday. Combined that's nearly $200, which sucks. But I try to remind myself that I'll very rarely have those two expenses happen out of the same check (I only have to go to the doctor every 3 months), and that I get paid again the day after my doctor's appt., so really, I'll be fine. Still, it's a little daunting.
So that's that. Hopefully I get to feeling better soon, and hopefully this cycle doesn't suck too badly.
The Big Two Eight
Today is my birthday!
As of this afternoon, I am officially 28. Twenty.freaking.eight. I cannot even begin to tell you how weird it is to say that. It's just . . . I don't know.
I think that when we're kids, and teenagers, and even when we're young adults, we expect adulthood to feel really distinctly different from childhood and teenhood and collegehood and all those other stages. I think we all expect there to be a *moment* where we become real grown ups, and that we wait and wait for that moment, and then hit our late twenties and realize that we're definitely grown ups, but that that moment never came. Instead you just kind of somehow grow up. It's like driving somewhere without paying attention and arriving at your destination with no clue how you got there.
I think I definitely did that. I definitely thought I'd feel different now than I did when I was younger but . . . well, I really don't. I'm still the same person I was back in college, just a bit more polished and mature. I'm still awkward as ever, but I'm more confident now than I ever have been.
I actually like who I am right now.
There are things I'd change. There are things I'm working on changing. But overall, I like who I am. I am OK with me.
As for my birthday, it wasn't bad. I'm not too excited to be 28 because I like odd numbered ages better (I know that's weird, and I don't know why). I had to go grocery shopping today, in the snow; there was a lot on the ground and it came down steadily for most of the time I was out, which caused the buses to be massively behind schedule. Not so fun. But it all worked out and Jerbs was able to meet me for dinner, and we got home safely, so overall, it was a success.
I didn't get the one thing I really wanted, but then again I don't know that I really expected to, so I'm only a little disappointed.
And that's about it.
So hello, 28. Let's be good to one another.
As of this afternoon, I am officially 28. Twenty.freaking.eight. I cannot even begin to tell you how weird it is to say that. It's just . . . I don't know.
I think that when we're kids, and teenagers, and even when we're young adults, we expect adulthood to feel really distinctly different from childhood and teenhood and collegehood and all those other stages. I think we all expect there to be a *moment* where we become real grown ups, and that we wait and wait for that moment, and then hit our late twenties and realize that we're definitely grown ups, but that that moment never came. Instead you just kind of somehow grow up. It's like driving somewhere without paying attention and arriving at your destination with no clue how you got there.
I think I definitely did that. I definitely thought I'd feel different now than I did when I was younger but . . . well, I really don't. I'm still the same person I was back in college, just a bit more polished and mature. I'm still awkward as ever, but I'm more confident now than I ever have been.
I actually like who I am right now.
There are things I'd change. There are things I'm working on changing. But overall, I like who I am. I am OK with me.
As for my birthday, it wasn't bad. I'm not too excited to be 28 because I like odd numbered ages better (I know that's weird, and I don't know why). I had to go grocery shopping today, in the snow; there was a lot on the ground and it came down steadily for most of the time I was out, which caused the buses to be massively behind schedule. Not so fun. But it all worked out and Jerbs was able to meet me for dinner, and we got home safely, so overall, it was a success.
I didn't get the one thing I really wanted, but then again I don't know that I really expected to, so I'm only a little disappointed.
And that's about it.
So hello, 28. Let's be good to one another.
Work, Money, Snow, & Vietnamese Food
It's been more than a week since I updated!! That's a little ridiculous considering I've posted multiple times a day for weeks at a time . . .
I just don't feel like I have too much to talk about right now. My life is all boring and grown up and I don't want to come here just to whine about my love life and all that crap or spew my opinions about politics and other stuff like that. Sigh.
Anyhow. Work is still going well. This past week my boss told me several times that I was picking things up really well. She gave me a stack of things to work on one day (mostly claims that needed to be researched, plus some medical records stuff), and a couple days later I let her know what I'd done with each one of them. She said I'd done everything perfectly. This coming Monday there's a billing dept. meeting in which we'll discuss the sort of rearrangement of the dept., which basically means that I'm going to get my official responsibilities. Right now each of the girls in the dept. (4 of them including our boss) have several insurance companies that they deal with, and on Monday, those will be redistributed, so I'll have my own insurance companies that'll be mine. I'm excited about that.
I'm so incredibly happy with my job. I really am. Today at the mall a lady at the Avon kiosk who was giving me a sample asked what I did, and when I said I was a medical biller she made a noise like she was impressed. Pretty much made my day! It feels so good to have an answer to that what do you do? question. Telling people you're unemployed is not pleasant.
I got paid yesterday--my first full paycheck from MHC. Glorious.
It's been snowing like crazy today. There's probably about 6 inches on the ground and I think we're supposed to get even more so . . . yeah. That's fun. I fell twice today, once climbing up a hill and once going down one (both while attempting to get to bus stops . . . excellent). It wasn't too bad being out today during the afternoon but once it got dark . . . wow. So cold. I'm not looking forward to Monday morning!
I treated Jerbs to Vietnamese food tonight, at a restaurant called Pho CRQ. Jerbs looooooves pho (which is like a kind of Vietanmese soup, I guess you could call it). I just got noodles with vegetables, and it was actually pretty good. I'm not very adventurous food wise, and I'm the pickiest eater you could imagine, so I was fairly certain I wouldn't like it. But I did! Hello, adulthood!
The best part about today was trying on jeans at the mall and discovering that I've gone down a pants size! I really wanted new jeans and they didn't have my size. So just for the hell of it I tried on the size below it and they fit perfectly. I seriously teared up in the dressing room. I'm still a long way from my weight loss goal but that was an amazing confidence boost and just makes me want to work even harder!
I just don't feel like I have too much to talk about right now. My life is all boring and grown up and I don't want to come here just to whine about my love life and all that crap or spew my opinions about politics and other stuff like that. Sigh.
Anyhow. Work is still going well. This past week my boss told me several times that I was picking things up really well. She gave me a stack of things to work on one day (mostly claims that needed to be researched, plus some medical records stuff), and a couple days later I let her know what I'd done with each one of them. She said I'd done everything perfectly. This coming Monday there's a billing dept. meeting in which we'll discuss the sort of rearrangement of the dept., which basically means that I'm going to get my official responsibilities. Right now each of the girls in the dept. (4 of them including our boss) have several insurance companies that they deal with, and on Monday, those will be redistributed, so I'll have my own insurance companies that'll be mine. I'm excited about that.
I'm so incredibly happy with my job. I really am. Today at the mall a lady at the Avon kiosk who was giving me a sample asked what I did, and when I said I was a medical biller she made a noise like she was impressed. Pretty much made my day! It feels so good to have an answer to that what do you do? question. Telling people you're unemployed is not pleasant.
I got paid yesterday--my first full paycheck from MHC. Glorious.
It's been snowing like crazy today. There's probably about 6 inches on the ground and I think we're supposed to get even more so . . . yeah. That's fun. I fell twice today, once climbing up a hill and once going down one (both while attempting to get to bus stops . . . excellent). It wasn't too bad being out today during the afternoon but once it got dark . . . wow. So cold. I'm not looking forward to Monday morning!
I treated Jerbs to Vietnamese food tonight, at a restaurant called Pho CRQ. Jerbs looooooves pho (which is like a kind of Vietanmese soup, I guess you could call it). I just got noodles with vegetables, and it was actually pretty good. I'm not very adventurous food wise, and I'm the pickiest eater you could imagine, so I was fairly certain I wouldn't like it. But I did! Hello, adulthood!
The best part about today was trying on jeans at the mall and discovering that I've gone down a pants size! I really wanted new jeans and they didn't have my size. So just for the hell of it I tried on the size below it and they fit perfectly. I seriously teared up in the dressing room. I'm still a long way from my weight loss goal but that was an amazing confidence boost and just makes me want to work even harder!
Weigh In # 2 (2013)
Weight as of this morning: 176.0 pounds.
On January 1st I was at 181.6, which means that during the month of January, I lost 5.6 pounds!
I'm pretty dang happy with those results. It was pretty nice to see that # on the scale this morning!
I wish I could say I did super well diet/exercise this month, but . . . well, I really didn't. Particularly in exercise.
This month I did all right with altering my diet; I avoided fast food for almost half of the month, and while that's not too much, it's incredible for me. (I literally went about 7 years where I ate fast food every single day so this is an accomplishment for me). I think that's probably the reason I was able to actually lose weight this month. I also drank less Dr. Pepper in January, and drank a lot more water. Increasing my water intake has probably been the biggest change, and I can honestly say that I've never drank so much water in my life! I'm up to about 4 cups (2 bottles) a day. I've started to drink more Dr. Pepper since I started working, though, so hopefully I'll be able to keep it under control in February.
As far as exercising goes . . . I did not do nearly as well as I'd hoped. I was doing all right at the start of the month but then once I started working . . . not so much. It's just soooooo cold out by the time I get home that I really, really struggled with making myself walk over to the workout room. My first weekend from work I managed to exercise a little, but the second weekend, I was just wiped out and didn't have the energy. I think my saving grace this past month (the reason I lost weight) was all the walking I did. Having to work every day means that I'm walking every day--to the bus stop, from the bus stop to work, back to the bus stop, home, etc etc etc. And honestly, most mornings I run to the stop since I'm always running late, and that most definitely gets my heart rate up. Even though the bus sucks in the cold, I'm pretty grateful that it keeps me going like that, if that makes sense. I really need to look into joining the gym across the street from work (we get to join for free + a discount on the monthly price). I want to join, but I don't know if there's a process we have to go through or whatever. I always mean to ask someone at work but I get too caught up in whatever I'm doing for the day so . . . it doesn't happen.
So my goals for February are to join they gym, cut fast food out of my diet even more (my goal is less than 10 days with eating out), and keep reducing the Dr. Pepper and keep drinking water. I also want to do something physical every day, even if it's something small, like weights or an ab workout, or stretching.
I feel like I can accomplish all of that and then some this month! Hoping for a successful and productive February!
On January 1st I was at 181.6, which means that during the month of January, I lost 5.6 pounds!
I'm pretty dang happy with those results. It was pretty nice to see that # on the scale this morning!
I wish I could say I did super well diet/exercise this month, but . . . well, I really didn't. Particularly in exercise.
This month I did all right with altering my diet; I avoided fast food for almost half of the month, and while that's not too much, it's incredible for me. (I literally went about 7 years where I ate fast food every single day so this is an accomplishment for me). I think that's probably the reason I was able to actually lose weight this month. I also drank less Dr. Pepper in January, and drank a lot more water. Increasing my water intake has probably been the biggest change, and I can honestly say that I've never drank so much water in my life! I'm up to about 4 cups (2 bottles) a day. I've started to drink more Dr. Pepper since I started working, though, so hopefully I'll be able to keep it under control in February.
As far as exercising goes . . . I did not do nearly as well as I'd hoped. I was doing all right at the start of the month but then once I started working . . . not so much. It's just soooooo cold out by the time I get home that I really, really struggled with making myself walk over to the workout room. My first weekend from work I managed to exercise a little, but the second weekend, I was just wiped out and didn't have the energy. I think my saving grace this past month (the reason I lost weight) was all the walking I did. Having to work every day means that I'm walking every day--to the bus stop, from the bus stop to work, back to the bus stop, home, etc etc etc. And honestly, most mornings I run to the stop since I'm always running late, and that most definitely gets my heart rate up. Even though the bus sucks in the cold, I'm pretty grateful that it keeps me going like that, if that makes sense. I really need to look into joining the gym across the street from work (we get to join for free + a discount on the monthly price). I want to join, but I don't know if there's a process we have to go through or whatever. I always mean to ask someone at work but I get too caught up in whatever I'm doing for the day so . . . it doesn't happen.
So my goals for February are to join they gym, cut fast food out of my diet even more (my goal is less than 10 days with eating out), and keep reducing the Dr. Pepper and keep drinking water. I also want to do something physical every day, even if it's something small, like weights or an ab workout, or stretching.
I feel like I can accomplish all of that and then some this month! Hoping for a successful and productive February!
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