
Work, Money, Snow, & Vietnamese Food

It's been more than a week since I updated!!  That's a little ridiculous considering I've posted multiple times a day for weeks at a time . . .

I just don't feel like I have too much to talk about right now.  My life is all boring and grown up and I don't want to come here just to whine about my love life and all that crap or spew my opinions about politics and other stuff like that.  Sigh.

Anyhow.  Work is still going well.  This past week my boss told me several times that I was picking things up really well.  She gave me a stack of things to work on one day (mostly claims that needed to be researched, plus some medical records stuff), and a couple days later I let her know what I'd done with each one of them.  She said I'd done everything perfectly.  This coming Monday there's a billing dept. meeting in which we'll discuss the sort of rearrangement of the dept., which basically means that I'm going to get my official responsibilities.  Right now each of the girls in the dept. (4 of them including our boss) have several insurance companies that they deal with, and on Monday, those will be redistributed, so I'll have my own insurance companies that'll be mine.  I'm excited about that.

I'm so incredibly happy with my job.  I really am.  Today at the mall a lady at the Avon kiosk who was giving me a sample asked what I did, and when I said I was a medical  biller she made a noise like she was impressed.  Pretty much made my day!  It feels so good to have an answer to that what do you do? question.  Telling people you're unemployed is not pleasant.

I got paid yesterday--my first full paycheck from MHC.  Glorious.

It's been snowing like crazy today.  There's probably about 6 inches on the ground and I think we're supposed to get even more so . . . yeah.  That's fun.  I fell twice today, once climbing up a hill and once going down one (both while attempting to get to bus stops . . . excellent).  It wasn't too bad being out today during the afternoon but once it got dark . . . wow.  So cold.  I'm not looking forward to Monday morning!

I treated Jerbs to Vietnamese food tonight, at a restaurant called Pho CRQ.  Jerbs looooooves pho (which is like a kind of Vietanmese soup, I guess you could call it).  I just got noodles with vegetables, and it was actually pretty good.  I'm not very adventurous food wise, and I'm the pickiest eater you could imagine, so I was fairly certain I wouldn't like it.  But I did!  Hello, adulthood!

The best part about today was trying on jeans at the mall and discovering that I've gone down a pants size!  I really wanted new jeans and they didn't have my size.  So just for the hell of it I tried on the size below it and they fit perfectly.  I seriously teared up in the dressing room.  I'm still a long way from my weight loss goal but that was an amazing confidence boost and just makes me want to work even harder!

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