
Weigh In # 3 (2013)

Let's just say that February was not my best month.

This morning the scale said 177.6, which is about a pound and a half higher than my weight a month ago.  Disappointing for sure, but also not altogether surprising.  And I know that it could be water weight or something random like that, too, so while I'm not thrilled, I'm also not terribly upset.  Plus I took my measurements and they were all basically the same as a month ago; two were lower by a bit and the rest were within a half inch of what they were last time.

February started out really good.  Remember how my goal was to do something physical everyday?  For the first two and a half weeks, I did just that.  None of it was big cardio or anything, I just did weights and abs and jumping jacks and burpees at home.  I also did really well food wise during that time, which was awesome.

And then, I don't know what happened, but around the middle of the month, I just kind of stopped.  I never felt like working out and I wanted to eat horrible horrible things . . . and I did.  I think it was a combo of stress at work and my period.  Work definitely did get more stressful in February because in the middle of the month we officially rearranged the billing department to include me, so I went from shadowing my co-workers to actually having my own real responsibilities.  Now I have real stuff to do on my own and I'm trusted with a lot of stuff . . . which is exciting, don't get me wrong, and I love that after only a month they thought I was doing well enough to give me my own work, but it's also really stressful.  I'm feeling better about it now and I'm doing well, but I think it kind of screwed with me a little.  Altogether I ate fast food 14 times, which is exactly half the month.  I know that sounds like a lot but it's kind of an accomplishment for me, and I'm proud.

The good news is that I finally did join the gym (Summit Fitness), so I can work out now after work.  I plan to do cardio 4 days a week, at least, and a yoga class once a week.  I went after work today for the second time and it was difficult, but awesome.  I love how I feel after I work out but at the same time, slacking has definitely had an effect on me, and my body's not used to it.

But still, I'm looking forward to March and I feel confident and energized about it.  I'm determined to make it a good month.

My goals are to do something physical every single day; I'll probably go to the gym 4 times a week and do smaller workouts at home when I don't make it to the gym; fast food no more than 10 times; work harder on cutting out soda (I am still SO bad about Dr. Pepper); and overall lose 3 pounds.  Fingers crossed!

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