
Blah With A Side Of Strange Thoughts

I've been feeling blah lately.  I think a good chunk of it is being unemployed.  I've filled out about 5 applications this week and sent my resume to one place so hopefully something will come along soon.  I just hate it.  I feel like a loser and that, in turn, makes me not want to do anything except check Facebook, blog stalk, and watch DWTS clips on YouTube.  Then, only doing those things with my day makes me feel even more like a loser so . . . vicious cycle.

Speaking of cycles, my sleep schedule is beyond screwed up right now.  It started a few nights ago when I got hit with a bad night of insomnia.  Like didn't go to bed til 6 AM bad.  I've tried to get it back on track by taking a sleeping pill to go to bed early, but that didn't even work.  Which is strange because usually sleeping pills knock me out.  I think it's because of the bed situation.  I'm still sleeping on the floor and it pretty much sucks.  It wasn't so bad at first but now . . . not so much.  I go in Jerbs' bed when she leaves for work, but since that's early morning, I basically have to sleep til early evening to feel rested, y'know?  Jenny offers to trade beds with me on other nights and a couple times I've accepted, but I think I have a mental block about it--like I think I feel guilty sleeping in her bed while she sleeps on the floor.  Hopefully I'll find a cheap bed soon.  Of course then there's an issue of transportation since you can't really bring a mattress and box spring on the bus . . . guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Another issue is that I can't seem to get rested with a normal amount of sleep . . . I used to be good on 6 hours, 8 at the most . . . now I seem to need at least ten to be even remotely ready to move.  (This could be a bed thing, again, because honestly I've never had a decent bed up here in Flag . . . so that could be it).

I also have a habit of worrying about things back home that's been kicking up lately.  When either of my parents calls me and is having a bad day it's all I can think about for awhile . . . just me, I guess, because I've always done that.  And ultimately, I know that things could be a lot worse.

So basically I took this past week off.  I didn't do any laundry or clean the house or really much of anything.  Just some job apps and I started working on a short story.  That's about it.  I would really like to kick my ass into gear this coming week and at least accomplish something--like getting the house clean and working out.
I love Dancing With the Stars--which I've mentioned on here before--but when Corey and I moved to Kingman, we didn't get cable.  Corey didn't really see the point of it and since he was the one paying for all of that kind of stuff, I didn't fight him on it.  Eventually we got NetFlix but never cable.  So I missed two seasons of DWTS.  Well, most of 2 seasons, since every now and then I'd catch an episode at my mom's.  So I've been watching dances from the seasons I missed online. 

I was watching a clip of the season before last's group dances, and there were some parts that were vaguely familiar.  Then I noticed that the original air date was Halloween 2011.  And it hit me that it had been on at my mom's house last Halloween, and that I'd been watching it in between handing out candy with Corey.  And I just . . . I remembered that night.  With him.

If it had happened a month ago, I'd have cried.  Or at least felt nostalgic and lonely and like something was missing from my life.  And I'd have wondered if I should call Corey and blah blah blah.  But I really didn't feel that.  (In fact, I watched the dancers and thought, damn, that Irish one is hot).

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