
Weigh In: 3 Months, No Pics

I meant to post this on the 7th but I never got around to it.  I also didn't get around to taking pictures.

But either way it's been 3 months since I got all determined to lose weight and even though I haven't been trying too hard lately, I figured I should do my little check in thing anyway.  (I'm not going to do weekly ones anymore, though, because . . . well, they're kinda pointless).

So anyway.  I weighed myself on the 7th and my weight was at 174, so I'm holding steady.  I'm glad for that.  A few weeks ago when we went to Best Buy to get my phone, my friend Theresa said that I look like I've lose weight, so that was nice.  It was a confidence boost and a bit of an incentive to get my ass back in gear.

So this past week I started.  On Monday (the 3rd) I really wanted to work out, but I really didn't feel like walking to the workout room.  So I sucked it up, put on my workout clothes, and went for a jog.

Yep.  Me.  A jog.  And y'know what?  I actually did it.  Like, I actually jogged.  For 4 minutes without stopping.  (Four minutes is the time it took to go once around our apartment complex).  I took it slow and didn't push myself, and after I'd gone around once, I stopped.  It was pretty awesome.  I did again on Tuesday night, but I haven't gone sense (too sore and too sick).  But I'm hoping to jog every night this week (Monday thru Friday) and eventually, I'd like to be able to go around the complex twice.

I'm guessing that the distance around our complex is about a quarter mile.  The way the complex parking lot is is a square that's uphill on both sides.  We sit basically in the middle of one of the hills, so I run up the rest of the hill, across the back of the complex, down the other side of the parking lot, across the front of the complex, and then halfway up the other side to our apartment.  Hopefully that makes a little sense.  (I hated our parking lot when we had a car and it was winter . . . trying to get into a lot that has two entrances that both go uphill in snow . . . frickin' nightmare).

Other than the jogging I also found my weights (3 pounds, just for some toning) and I've been doing a little bit with that.  Just some arm exercises, nothing fancy.  And I've been trying to do an ab workout here and there.

Food wise I'm still only doing so/so, but I have been drinking less Dr. Pepper.

So my next weigh in will be on January 7th, and my goals for the next month are to get in some good cardio at least 5 times a week, weights and abs at least 3 times a week, and work harder on the food stuff.  By my next weigh in I should have a digital scale (I think one of my family members is getting me one for Christmas) so I'm looking forward to that.  Although I wonder if the numbers might be off from what they have been since my current scale is so crappy.

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