
That's What I Get For Asking What The Odds Were

My thyroid is fine.

Completely, 100% fine.  Well within normal range on both TSH and T4.  Everything else about me is fine too: glucose, iron, anemia test, and EKG, all normal.  All "perfect" according to the hack at North Country.

So basically, what we know is that I'm in excellent health except for the small fact that I'm too tired to function and I'm a full 15 pounds heavier than I was two weeks ago.

Y'know, no biggie.  It's not like I need to, y'know, live or anything.  I can totally just sleep for the rest of my life.  Sure.

Needless to say I'm a little pissed.

Let's start at the beginning.  On Sunday I checked my voicemails and there was one from NCHC, from the 25th, left a couple hours after I called and bitched and yelled and got a follow up appointment.  I don't know how I missed the call, but regardless, it was an MA saying that the hack had finally gone over my labs and that they were all normal.  I considered not even bothering with the appointment but those tests were done 2 months ago when I had no symptoms so I figured I'd go and see what happened.

This stupid bitch refused to re-test either the TSH or the T4, and she insisted that there is absolutely 100% no way that my levels could have changed in the two months since those tests were done.  She did, however, run a quick glucose test, an anemia test, and for some reason, an EKG, all of which were totally normal.  The best she could suggest is that it's depression . . . without any other depressive symptoms.  She was like, "Have you lost interest in the things you enjoy?"  And I said that no, I haven't lost interest, I just don't have the energy to do them at the moment.  She said we should consider Lithium toxicity and I was like, are you effing kidding me?  Do you think I don't know the symptoms of Lithium toxicity?  My psychiatrist has hammered them into my head at every freaking visit I've ever had with him so I know what to watch out for and I do.

My favorite part, though, was the repeated insinuation that I'm lying about my sexual history.  At my first visit with the hack, she suggested a couple times I have an STD screening, which believe me, I do not need.  Even remotely.  Today she flat out said I could be HIV+ and I should consider being tested . . . even after I told her several times that I wasn't interested in STD testing.  I was so fucking offended.  I can't even . . . good lord, I can't even tell you.  And I could just tell she thought I was lying, which I know happens, but it definitely wasn't the case here.  It was very upsetting.  And then she did a urine dip to check for sugars and proteins and all that, and she fucking had a pregnancy test run as well.  Without telling me she was going to do that, which is fairly illegal, and also totally pointless.  She was like, well, you're not pregnant!  No fucking shit Sherlock!

So I guess at this point the next step is to talk to my psychiatrist about possibly adjusting my AD dosage (the hack didn't understand why I was on such a low dose and I was like, hello, bipolar?)

The good news is that I bitched enough to not get charged for today.  So go me.

I'm really disappointed, because I missed 3.5 hours of work for nothing, and I was really sure I'd walk away with an answer and a solution, and instead, I still feel like shit and I have no idea what to do about it.

Maybe the hack is right and it is a depressive episode.  I mean, it's possible, I guess.  Maybe I'm just not sleeping well . . . there are some issues with that right now but as far as I'd thought, it wasn't that significant so . . . who knows.  Maybe I just have had a touch of the flu or something, or maybe it's a mono flair up.

I just know that right now I'm flat out dreading just living because I'm so fucking miserable.

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