
Weekend Recap

First let me say this: I do NOT want to go back to work tomorrow.  Seriously, this long weekend has been amazing . . . I'm not looking forward to Monday.

I had a productive weekend.  On Friday I went to Old Navy, because everything in their store was half off(!); I spent $60 and saved $45, so that was pretty awesome.  A couple things I bought were clearance so they weren't half off.  Anyway, I bought a whole bunch of stuff that were size medium, even though I'm currently an extra large.  I know everyone says dress for what you've got, not what you want, but I feel like if I keep buying myself big clothes I'm going to stay big.  And if I'd been paying full price for everything I got I'd have bought stuff I could wear now, but I figured a half off sale was a good excuse to buy some inspiration clothes.  And I'm thrilled with my purchases, and I'm looking forward to being able to wear them!

I also went to JoAnn and got a lot of fleece on sale, for making Christmas gifts.  I'll be busy doing that this week.

Jerbs' friend Adam was here Friday and was supposed to be here all day Saturday as well, but he ended up having to leave Saturday morning.  He had planned to take Jerbs to the NAU football game on Saturday evening and Jerbs was pretty happy to get out of that gracefully.

But then Saturday afternoon, B and her husband (other B) came up for . . . the NAU football game!  So Jerbs had to go anyway.  I went too and it was so much fun!  I'll write more about that later.  But I'm glad I got to go, even though NAU lost.

And today was just Sunday--cleaning, grocery shopping, prepping for the week, etc.  Sigh.  I hate Sundays.

Oh, and also, I am not doing a weigh in today because my lovely body decided that today would be a good time for my period to start.  So any weight isn't going to be accurate--I am always 3--7 pounds heavier at this time so I'm not even going to bother.  Since I'm fairly regular I anticipate this happening every month for the time being, so my weigh ins are going to be on the 15th.  And yes, this bothers me tremendously, because it just seems silly to weigh in on the 15th, but whatever.  Accuracy's a good thing, I suppose.

Here's to a new week!  Hopefully it's a good one and goes by FAST!

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