
Beautiful Words From A Stranger

I'm a huge blog stalker, which I've mentioned on here before.  I love reading other peoples' blogs and finding out about their lives . . . it just fascinates me.

So a few nights ago I discovered hisgiantmistake.com.  It's the blog of a woman named Cleo, who discovered her husband was having an affair, and the journey that discovery has taken her on thus far.  She writes beautifully and she talks a lot about finding herself, loving herself, and paying attention to the signs that are all around us in our lives.  It's really just a beautiful blog, full of hope and optimism.

I found myself really moved by it, because I'm most definitely on a self-discovery-figure-out-my-life kind of journey right now.  Cleo talks a lot about signs and in a way I think I was supposed to find her blog at this point in my life.  So much of what she said was just comforting and uplifting to me and I'm grateful for her words.

So grateful that I emailed Cleo, and told her how much I enjoyed her blog and how inspired I was by her.  I mentioned that I thought I was supposed to find her blog and I told her how I came to be on my own journey--about being dumped before my wedding and all that.

And to my surprise, she wrote back!  And it was one of the best emails I've ever gotten.  She thanked me for reading and writing, and told me that I dodged a bullet.  It was just all so sweet and encouraging, and then this:

"This experience is going to create such a rich layer of beauty inside of you.  I just know it."

Isn't that lovely?  I think it's probably the most inspirational thing anyone has said to me since the break up, and I am holding onto those words.

I just love it.  It's fantastic that people can connect to each other via blogs.  Seriously, I love it.

And if you have a chance, check out Cleo's blog.  It's awesome.

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