
Saturday Lessons

1. The mall can be a great diet motivator.  Wandering around and seeing tons of cute jeans/shirts/sweaters/boots makes me want to work harder at getting in shape.  (I know I don't really need to lose weight to wear boots, but the boots can be a reward for losing weight!)


2.  Don McClean's "American Pie" is an excellent workout song.  That song is like 9 minutes long, so when you start a 20 minute workout with it on, by the time it's over, you're about halfway through.  And I usually tell myself that I have to get through 4 songs.  So when 1 song gets you halfway through your workout, it makes it feel like it's going faster than it is.  (And I feel like a genius for realizing this).

3.  This is more just a realization than a lesson, but tonight I thought of an advantage of working out here instead of at A.F.  A.F. has cable TV's on their cardio equipment that you can plug your ear buds into, and that's lovely, but let me tell you, there's nothing more painful during a workout than seeing ads for Olive Garden, Red Lobster, IHOP, etc.  Seriously a horrible thing.  So even though I don't love the workout room here at least I don't leave it every night with severe cravings for things I shouldn't eat.

(And if you're wondering, yes, I caved a few times in Kingman and stopped at McDonalds or Carl's Jr. on the way home from the gym.  And yes, I see the irony/stupidity in that).


4.  Y'know how guys complain about girls who are always saying they're cold?  I'm totally one of those girls.  Tonight I was sitting in my chair in sweatpants and my sweatshirt, and Jerbs was at her computer in a tank top and panties.  Sigh.


5.  Sometimes the words of a complete stranger can be the most meaningful thing you've heard in a long time.  And that's amazing.  I'll post more on that later.

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