
Good Things and Breakthroughs

Good things:

--Hastings called me today!  They called while I was in the shower and left a voicemail, which I haven't yet listened to.  But still!  I'm pretty relieved.  (Not necessarily thrilled for the actual going to work part though).
--Reconnecting with old friends.  One old friend in particular accepted my FB friends request today and I'm stoked about it!  We'll probably never be BFF's again but the less negativity I have in my life the better.
--I bought a pedometer that counts steps, calories, and measures distance.  Since I walk so much I think it'll be interesting to see those numbers.

--I painted my toenails purple.  I'm not going to really get into why that's a breakthrough but let's just say that since I've been with Corey purple has ah had a negative connotation/association for me and I've steered clear of it.  But now my toes are a bright sparkly purple and I love it and it's staying.  Well, at least until I get bored and decide I want a new color.  (Between us Jerbs and I have like 100 different nail colors so yeah).
--I have started to feel a lot calmer and more relaxed about life in general.  I want to get into this more later but yeah.

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