
Halloween Nails

Since I was basically immobile all weekend (thank you, URI or whatever), I decided I'd take advantage of having to sit still and do my nails.  I think it was a successful venture.  Glitter acrylic is actually quite a bit easier than I thought.  Obviously I had to a Halloween manicure.

I really like how they turned out, and they've served their purpose in keeping me from biting my nails.

Unrelated to the nails, while I was sick my little Siamese buddy got super cuddly, it was very sweet.

He likes to lean against my legs while he sleeps.

I'm feeling a lot better today, and I actually made it through a whole day at MHC and then an hour at SHF.  Thank goodness!


Sick And Stuff

I've spent my weekend watching TV and taking cold medicine.  It has not been fun.

That sinus infection that's been hanging around for the past few weeks randomly migrated down into my chest.  It literally happened overnight: I went to bed last Wednesday night with my head all stuffy and whatever, and woke up Thursday morning with a nasty cough and some pretty major chest congestion.  I worked a half day, then came home and just rested.  I managed to work on Friday, but I think I'm going to call in tomorrow.  I feel like absolute shit.

Which means I got absolutely nothing done this weekend.  The house needs to be cleaned.  I have laundry to do.  There are a few sewing projects I need to get moving on.

It stresses me out when things start to pile up like that.  Like . . . I've been having mini anxiety attacks about it all day.

Not to mention the thought of missing work stresses me out.

I'm telling myself to calm down, but it's kind of a losing battle.  


Bullet Points

I feel like I think of at least 3 things I want to blog about every single day, and then I just never have the time.  But I want to keep my blog at least semi updated so . . . bullet points.

1.  I cannot freaking believe it's October.  I feel like summer flew by, I feel like this whole year is just flying by.  It's getting cold out, especially at night, and I love it.  It makes it hard to get out of bed in the mornings, though.

2.  I'm having mixed results with the Lithium at the moment.  In ways I feel better, in ways I feel worse.  I've just felt maybe a little more anxious, a little more up, a little more scattered.  It worried me for a couple days, and then Jerbs reminded me that this happened when I first started Lithium, and also all the times I restarted it.  It's kind of crappy, but at the same time, I'm committed to keeping at it until the levels balance and I feel better.

3.  I also think the Lithium's making me tired, which is frustrating.  I've never been one to be able to just suck it up and fight through being tired, and I feel like I've been dragging the past week or so.  This is a new thing, I don't remember being drowsy on Lithium before, so I'm not sure if it's really that or if it's something else (like the change in the weather, having a sinus infection (STILL), or whatever).  Again, it's one of those things that I'm just kind of waiting out, because it might go away once I'm at my therapeutic dose and my body readjusts to having it in my system.  We'll see.

4.  My mom's buying a house!  Which is pretty much the best thing I've heard all year, and I'm really excited for her.

5.  Jerbs and I have pretty much adopted this stray Siamese cat that had been hanging around our porch.  He used to just come in every night for a little while and eat some cat food, then he started spending the night inside in the living room, and now he sleeps with me every night.  He's the cutest cat.

6.  Work has gotten better since my old office mate moved out.  Now I'm sharing my office with the billing department's new hire, and it's just blissfully quiet.  Plus, having the new girl in my office means she comes to me with all of her questions, and it's been kind of cool to see how much I know about my job.  Not that I really thought there was a lot I didn't know, but it's a good feeling to be able to look at something and just know what needs to be done.  I also just found out last week that our CEO is so impressed with the billing department that we're all getting bonuses in the form of giftcards, which is awesome.  It's nice to be appreciated.

7.  I'm really trying to make October a good month fitness/weight loss wise.  Especially since Lithium is known to cause weight gain, and I definitely don't want to get bigger.  

That's all for now.  More to come.  Someday.  When I'm not as tired.