
Twenty Eight Days

Today the countdown on my phone says 28 days until we move.  That's only 4 weeks and holy shit, that's insane.

I'm starting to hit my panic mode.  I don't know why exactly but I'm just starting to stress big time about all of this.  I feel like not enough's done, like I'm not ready, like I'm not really engaging and this is all just kind of happening too fast.  Which is stupid, because I've known this was coming for a really, really long time.  But seriously, I feel like we got back from our trip, and at that point we had 3 months until the move and that was plenty of time, and then I blinked and now it's August and we're down to 4 weeks to get everything ready to go.  It's unreal.

I'm telling myself that it'll be OK.  Everything's going to work out however it's supposed to and in the meantime all I can do is keep packing and preparing as much as I can.

But I'll be very glad when all this is over and we're moved and settled.

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