
Another Week

This week was . . . marginally better than last week.  It at least went by a little bit faster.  And I was pretty much on time to work every day.  And on Thursday my co-workers and I spent a good two hours decorating the business office for Christmas, so that was pretty awesome.  I like it when things relax a little at work . . . it just kind of makes everything better.

Let's see.  I sucked at dieting this week for no reason other than that I just didn't give a crap, and I most definitely didn't work out.  Blah.  I frustrate myself.  But tomorrow's a new day and next week is a new week and there's always a chance to do better.  At any rate I definitely haven't gained any weight, so that's good.

But I did fix my MyFitnessPal weight loss ticker thing so that it reflects what I've lost since July, which was when I was at my heaviest.  So that's good.  It's kind of encouraging to see that 6 pounds gone thing.

My Christmas shopping is almost finished.  I just have a few more things to get and I'm waiting on a shipment from Amazon and then I'll be done.  I love wrapping presents, though, so I'm excited for that.

I'm so tired right now.  I feel like I have a bunch of random stuff I want to write about but I'm always too sleepy and whatever.

I think I'm stressed right now too.  Between the holidays, work stuff, and other stuff . . . gah.  One big thing is that I need to find a new psychiatrist, because I'm really just done with my current one and the office over there.  I'm not going to deal with them anymore, y'know?  I'm jut dreading it . . . like seriously dreading it.  Hopefully someone will be able to get me in before the end of the year, because that would be best.  But I'm OK on medicine and all so there isn't going to be any stupid crisis or anything.  Just not a fun process.  At all.

I'm also in this weird cleaning/organizing the house mood, which is super stupid at Christmas time because deep organizing with Christmas gifts and wrapping paper all over the place is just . . . well, stupid.

I'm rambling.  I'm so tired.

I think it might be time for bed.

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