
Let's Talk About March

So March.

Jerbs started her new job right at the beginning of the month, and it was awesome.  I drive her to work at the crack of dawn (because the buses don't run as early as she has to be there).  That's been an interesting experience, but I really don't mind.  I've worked at they gym, I've gone into work at MHC early and gotten some extra hours, I've eaten breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts (love it, btw), I've studied for my coding class, stuff like that.  One morning I even went to the gym and worked out before work, which was not as earth shatteringly awful as I'd been expecting.  But full disclosure, I haven't done it a second time.  It's really just not for me, and I prefer working out after work.

Jerbs loves her new job, though.  It's definitely a huge improvement from Staples.  Pretty much right away Jerbs seemed happier, and less stressed than she had been for a long time, and seeing her happy makes me happy.  She's got a really nice schedule there plus more hours than she was getting at Staples.  Plus guaranteed overtime, which is awesome.

In the middle of the month I got a storage unit and my dad brought up all my stuff.  As in, all of the things I had to leave in Kingman when I moved back to Flagstaff almost 3 years ago, which is most of what I own.  For 6 months or so after I left, all of it was in the garage at my old place (where Ex-Fiance was still living); at some point my dad went and got all of it, and it had been in his garage ever since.  We had talked about him bringing it up before but never got anywhere, but my dad apparently might be moving, so it was a necessity.  It was weird to see all my stuff, because I honestly hadn't looked at it since the move.  It was both comforting and somehow not comforting at the same time.  Everything was just as I'd packed it, but there is an extra box, labeled in Ex-Fiance's handwriting.  I couldn't bring myself to open it and see what was inside, because, even nearly 3 years after the fact, the mental image of him walking through our house and packing up the things that reminded him of me just hurts.  That's not something I'm quite ready to face.  (More on that whole issue later, probably).

Also in March, things got BAD at MHC.  I don't even really know exactly what happened, but it was basically just one disaster after another, pretty much all related to one area of my job (DME).  I was angry, frustrated, discouraged, and beyond stressed.  For the first time since I started there more than 2 years ago, I hated my job.  I dreaded going to work and was literally having anxiety attacks about it.  It was terrible.  I told my boss that it was time for DME to go to someone else, but that wasn't an option, so instead I got approved overtime.  Which did help.  But still, I was at a point where I probably would have quit had it not been for the coding class thing (ie if I leave now I owe the company the whole cost of that class).  Things are better now, but I was suffering for a couple weeks there.

Jerbs and I really started to focus on moving in March as well--or at least, getting ready to move.  There are these 2 bed 1.5 bath 2 story townhomes across the street from us, managed by the same company as our current complex.  They looked reasonably priced online, so we decided to check them out.  (In the 2 days between when we looked at the website and when we toured the place, though, the base rent went up by $80, just putting that out there).  I honestly wasn't impressed with the place.  It wasn't terrible, but it felt TINY, I think because of the layout.  And both the bedrooms were super, super small, like small enough that I wouldn't actually have been able to fit all my stuff in mine.

But we forged ahead, did the application online, paid the app fee and reservation fee, got approved, the whole nine.  Then we saw the actual rent breakdown and it was just too expensive.  I mean, we probably could have swung the rent, but that would have made it really tight, and I don't want to live like that.  So between the stupidly high rent, the not too impressive apartment, the fact that we're only planning to be in Flagstaff another year, and the less than awesome thought of actually moving all our shit, we decided to just stay.  Ultimately we decided it would be better to suck it up, stay where we are, and save for the big out of state move we'd like to make happen next year.

And that's the story of how we really and truly almost moved and then decided not to.  I know, it's a little anti climactic.

So Jerbs signed the lease for another year here.  And while she was in the office doing it, the property manager asked if we'd had any more issues with our neighbor.  Jerbs said that things had been quiet on that front.  The manager proceeded to tell Jerbs that she'd had a long talk with the neighbor and she'd been warned about her behavior (ie she was told to stop being an overdramatic bitch), and that we needed to let her know if absolutely ANYTHING else happened.  Again, we get the vibe that they want her gone as much as we do.  The property manager also told Jerbs that she's been an excellent tenant in the whole time she's/we've lived here.  It's good to know the complex is on our side and knows the neighbor is the one with issues.  Right now we're just hoping she gets kicked out sooner rather than later.

And that's about it for March.  Definitely not a great month, but  free of any major disasters, and sometimes that's the best you can hope for, right?

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