
A Rough Week

Let me tell you about the time I had a mental breakdown because of air freshener.

So first, some background: I spray air freshener in my bedroom every night before I go to bed.  I like to smell something soothing while I'm falling asleep, and those better sleep tips almost always include having a scent you associate with sleep and spraying it at night.  I used to use the pillow spray they sell at Bath and Body Works, but it's really expensive for how small the bottles are; then I switched to Febreze's night time line but that's disappeared from the stores, so now I just spray air freshener.  I usually use a lavender/vanilla Febreze, but if the store's out of that I'll just buy whatever.

So this past Sunday Jerbs and I went shopping, and they didn't have the lavender stuff.  But they did have this Febreze kind called Pumpkin Bliss, and even though I think it's a little too early for fall stuff, I got excited and bought it.

That night, I got ready for bed like always and sprayed my new air freshener.  It smelled really good and very fall-y, and I thought it would definitely help me sleep.  I was very, very wrong.

While I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I started to think that this pumpkin air freshener smelled familiar, like it was making me think of something.  I realized that it smelled EXACTLY like this pumpkin air freshener Jerbs and I got at Bath and Body Works way back in 2009, when we first moved to the complex we live in now, when we got our 2 bedroom place after we broke up.  We put that air freshener in our living room, and I guess I associated that smell with that place.  And smelling it again just took me right back to that time in 2009, when the break up was still really raw and I was struggling with having moved but at the same time hopeful that the move would be a new start for me.

And it was all just overwhelming.  In a way that I can't even really explain.  But I suddenly found myself feeling so nostalgic for that time, when I was younger and before I got really sick and when I had my own space and potential, and I got sad thinking about how little I've accomplished since then, and how much better that time was (in some ways), and I felt guilty about everything I've put Jerbs through since then and how nice she's been to me, and then I thought about how it was my meeting Corey that put an end to that era and I got sad and bitter about that.  And all of those feelings inevitably lead to thinking about how behind I feel in life, and how I feel like I haven't reached my true potential, and how that is entirely because of being bipolar.  So I just laid in bed and cried my eyes out for a couple hours; I eventually fell asleep but I didn't sleep well, so Monday morning was not pleasant.

I almost faked sick and asked to leave early, but instead I requested Friday (today) off, just because I needed a mental health day.  Thankfully it got approved, so I got to just chill at home and relax today, which was nice.  And Jerbs bought me dinner at Beaver Street Brewery, which is a good solution for most problems.

Anyway, I survived Monday, but on Tuesday I was still just in a funk.  Then Wednesday my period started, which helped exactly NOTHING.  I felt like crap yesterday too.  I seriously didn't work out all week, I didn't even try to eat decently, I was just . . . out of it.  Depressed and angry and just out of it.  It sucked.

But today I got to just chill at home and hang out with Jerbs, and that helped a LOT.  Jerbs bought me dinner at Beaver Street Brewery too, which is always great.

I'm feeling better now, but I still feel like I just have a lot on my mind.  I've just been thinking a lot about my life lately, about what I haven't done and what I want to do, and I know I shouldn't dwell on the past but . . . I think a combination of still being in mental health recovery and having turned 30 contribute to that kind of thinking.

Right now, though, life is good.  I like my job.  I'm OK financially.  I'm more engaged than I've ever been.  I'm almost finished with my CPC class.  My BFF is getting married in 2 months and I get to be a part of that, and after the wedding is Halloween and fall and Christmas and all my other favorite things so . . . I really can't complain.

There are just times when I really think about how much of my life this BS mental illness has caused me to miss, and it seems so colossally unfair that I can't shake it.

But I can't do anything about that now, so the next best thing is to just make the most of every single second from here on out.

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