
Christmas Cheer

Here are some random things that have made me happy so far this holiday season.

This hedgehog:

He's a present from my boss, who lives in Florida.  She sent a box to the clinic with a little present for everyone in our department, it was so sweet!  She really did an awesome job picking something that fit each person's personality/interests, which is impressive.  I just love my boss, and I'm so excited and touched that she remembered my hedgehog obsession!  I have 3 of them in my office now.


These decorations at work:

The people in Pod 3 put up some festive and cardiology appropriate decorations around their offices and exam rooms.  I rarely go to Pod 3 but I had to last week to talk to a co-worker, and I came across this.  It made me happy so I had to get a pic.


My new wreath:

I wanted to make a new wreath this year, and this is what I came up with.  I wanted something that was simple and kind of rustic/outdoorsy, festive in an understated, elegant way, and I think I accomplished that.  I got the wreath form at JoAnn's and the poinsettias at Michael's.  I love how it turned out!  It looks so nice on our door.  We put red and white lights around the door too, and it really complemented the wreath nicely.


And that brings me to our Christmas lights!  We put up lights on our porch this year--around the front door, around our window, and along the railing.  It's all very festive.  Unfortunately, I can't get a good picture because of the 2 gigantic pine trees in front of our apartment.  I kind of wish we'd thought of that beforehand because all the work feels a little pointless knowing that our lights pretty much can't be seen.  But we have lights and that's exciting!  And we know they're there.  I did briefly consider trying to climb one of the trees to get a picture, but Jerbs shot down that idea pretty quickly (rightfully so, I have to say).


Being rewarded for our generosity.  The week before Thanksgiving, we got a flyer on our door saying that the office was having a food drive, and that anyone who donated had a chance to win a Target gift card.  I didn't really care about winning, but I wanted to help, so Jerbs and I went out and bought a bunch of canned food and donated it.  Like I said, this was back before Thanksgiving, and I'd honestly kind of forgotten about it.  But today when I got home, there was a Christmas card on our door with a $50 Target gift card and a note from the office thanking us for our donations, and saying that we had donated the most of anyone across all 3 complexes in our little group.  I was so happy!  It's nice to feel like we did something to help AND have been rewarded for it.  It was a very pleasant surprise.


I've also been to a Christmas party for each of my jobs this past week, so that was fun.  The SHAF one was at a Mexican restaurant (Salsa Brava), and I hadn't eaten there in years so it was nice to have a reason to.  We had a raffle for Christmas stockings and got to take home the leftover food, so win win!  I remember that last year I was sick when the SHAF Christmas party happened and didn't get to go, so I was really happy to get to this year.  I don't spend a lot of time with my SHAF co-workers and it was nice to get to.  I didn't realize there were so many SHAF employees to be honest, because I only see a few of them on a regular basis.  The MHC party was last Thursday and it was also a lot of fun.  Last year, only like 15 people came to that one, and this year, most of the staff was there, which definitely made it more fun.  Our white elephant gift exchange was waaaay more entertaining with almost 50 gifts instead of just 15.  (Sadly, I didn't end up with anything good this year).  I really love both of my work families, and am glad to have 2 good jobs with so many good people.


Now I'm just looking forward to going home for Christmas!  Jerbs and I are heading down to Kingman as soon as I'm out of work on Christmas Eve, and I can't wait!

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