
2015: A Year In Review

I'm not going to lie, I'm not completely sober right now.  Jerbs and I decided to say in for New Year (shocking, right?), but I wanted to drink, so I've been mixing my own bloody Mary's.  I think I'm doing a great job, these things are good!  Which might not be a good thing but oh well.  I honestly don't remember the last time I drank this much, but I still want to write about 2015 before it's over so . . . here we go.

I feel like 2015 was all around a pretty great year, with some big amazing things that happened in it.

In January, I took my first ever vacation from work.  I didn't actually go anywhere, but I got to not work for 10 days, and that was fucking amazing.  I've never been able to take off that much time, and I've never gotten paid for taking time off before, so that made me feel very grown up.  We got to visit the Flicks in Phoenix, which is always fun, and my mom and sister came to visit.  It was so nice to have my mom in Flag, because she hadn't been up here in so long.  I really enjoyed my little break.  Of course, coming back to work to no one having done what they were supposed to while I was gone sucked, but water under the bridge now.

In February I turned 30 and had probably the worst birthday of my life.  But also in February, I got to enroll in my CPC class and see Eric Paslay live, so those were both good things.  And Jerbs got a new job and FINALLY got to tell Staples to suck it!  I also found out in February that I was going to be a bridesmaid in Theresa's wedding, which was freaking amazing.

In March we almost moved and then didn't.  Also in March my dad brought up all my STUFF and we put it into storage.  It was nice to see my dad but weird to see all my stuff, I'm still not comfortable with that whole situation, but what can you do?  Someday I'll have space for all of my stuff.  March was also when I hit a rough patch at work and things were tense for awhile, but that passed pretty quickly.  March was also Max's 2nd adoption anniversary and Hollie's 1st adoption anniversary, so they got spoiled that month.

In April . . . nothing really big happened.

In May I got to go to Vegas with Theresa and her now in-laws, and that was one of my favorite parts of this whole year.  Other than that it was a pretty uneventful month, I remember it being really freaking cold for May, because it definitely snowed on a day when I wore a skirt to work.

In June I made a concerted effort to get outside more, and Jerbs and I and the dogs went on a couple nice hikes.  I think Trail Day will be an every summer tradition.  Also in June the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage and I absolutely could not be happier about that.  Truly a beautiful decision and one that I am so glad to have happened during my lifetime.

In July I got to to Shannon's wedding and fly on a plane for the first time.  Traveling with my sister and her friends was definitely an experience!  I was glad to get to travel with Austin, though.  And Shannon's wedding was really just lovely, and I was happy to be there for it.  I'm also glad I got to fly in general, because now I have some confidence about it, so hopefully more trips are in my future.  I definitely want to go back to Colorado someday and explore more.

August was uneventful.  I legit don't remember anything exciting happening then.

In September I went to SLC for the first time and had a great time hanging out with Theresa and her in-laws.  That was such a fun trip.  It was a long drive but honestly, being by myself in the middle of nowhere in the middle of night was, in a weird way, exhilirating and empowering, and I'm really glad I got to have that experience.  At the end of September I took and PASSED my CPC test, and I'm incredibly proud that I was able to do that.  I seriously didn't expect to pass on the first try.

October, obviously, started out with another trip to SLC for Theresa's wedding.  That was probably my favorite part of the whole year, because all of it was just so awesome.  I loved getting to back to SLC, I loved getting to see all these new friends I'd made, I love love loved getting to stand by Theresa at her wedding and seeing her so happy . . . all around, just a sincerely amazing experience, and one that I will always remember and cherish.  I don't remember much else about October, I know we carved pumpkins for Halloween.

In November Jerbs and I got to see Book of Mormon!  That was the stand out moment from November without question.  Also in November, the WE network stopped Law and Order Saturdays, which really bummed me out for awhile.  Thanksgiving was quiet and low key as usual.

In December, we got a decent amount of snow in Flag, which made me happy.  Christmas with my family was fantastic.  And that brings me to right now, which is me wearing fuzzy pants and sipping a bloody Mary, waiting to ring in 2016.

Overall, I enjoyed my 2015.  I think all of the best moments are associated with Theresa's wedding, and I'm really glad I got to be a part of all that.  I traveled a lot this year (to Vegas, to Colorado, to Utah twice, to Sedona) and I'm glad about that.  I am not one to get out much but this year has really shown me that I actually enjoy leaving home now and then, and that I'm capable of doing so.  I definitely want to travel more next year.  I'm also really proud of myself for getting my CPC, I think that was a good decision and one that will lead to good things for me professionally.

The biggest disappointment, as always, is that I didn't lose any weight this year.  I thought for sure being a bridesmaid would be the motivation I finally needed to actually lose weight, which didn't happen.  Maybe 2016 will finally be the year?  Hopefully!

As always, I'm both sad and happy for a new year.  Sad to see 2015 end, happy for a clean slate.

Farewell, 2015, you were lovely!

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