
Payday: Goals

I got paid today.  Which is exciting, but I feel like I need to do some responsible adult stuff with my money now.

My money habits have been a little out of control lately and I feel like I've been over spending.  Granted, a good chunk of my money has gone towards things I legitimately needed, like new clothes, a bed, groceries, and giving Jerbs money for rent.  Those are all good things.

My problem is spending small amounts without paying attention, if that makes sense.  Like when I wander into New Frontiers everyday while I wait for the bus . . . I really just do it because standing outside for 15 minutes doing nothing seems lame, but I'll almost always end up buying some kind of treat or snack.  Always something small, between like 3 and 7 dollars, and it's such a small amount that I don't think it's a big deal.  But those little amounts add up really quickly and it's not pretty.

So my goal with this paycheck is to curb that sort of mindless spending and focus on only buying what I need or genuinely want.  I also need to write out a budget so I know what I have to spend where.

I feel like my first two paychecks were for sort of catching up on things I needed, and now it's time to get serious about saving money and improving my credit.

Yay for being an adult.

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