
Life Is Lovely

Yesterday was just one of those days.  And I mean that in a good way.  One of those days where I just felt happy and content and where I was very aware of exactly how amazing my life is now that I'm mentally healthy.

I slept in but still woke up at a decent hour, and spent the afternoon cleaning out and organizing my closet.  That sounds so boring but I've been meaning to do it for a couple months now.  I definitely have a tendency to just throw things into my closet and never really put it away properly, plus I have a bunch of clothes I haven't worn in at least a year (all of which is being donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters), and there was still a good amount of Jerbs' stuff in my closet that I wanted to move.

Then I picked up Jerbs from work and we had dinner at Ruby Tuesday, then wandered around the mall.  Hot Topic was having a sale where everything in the store was buy one get one half off, which was exciting.  Jerbs bought me these three bracelets:

LEGIT--because it just makes me laugh.
On Wednesdays We Wear Pink--because Mean Girls
is freaking awesome.
I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good--because Harry Potter
is even more freaking awesome than Mean Girls.
Then we went to Old Navy to see if they had any good sales going, and to Cost Plus World Market because we hadn't been there in forever.  Then we came home and just hung out, and ended up watching The Breakfast Club (which I have now only ever seen twice, and which Jerbs knows every single line to).  

It was just such a lovely day.  I felt very content, and very contained within myself.  I know that sounds odd but when I was sick, I used to have a lot of problems with dissociation and derealization, and I spent a lot of time feeling like I was sort of outside of my body, like I was watching my life from a distance but not actually living it.  It was one of the most uncomfortable things I'd ever felt--that I've EVER felt, still--and I hated it.  It was when that feeling was strongest that I would really start thinking about killing myself.  So now, to feel like I'm actually HERE . . . it's pretty awesome.

I love days like that.  Life's not perfect but it sure is better than it used to be!

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