
The Big Two Eight

Today is my birthday!

As of this afternoon, I am officially 28.  Twenty.freaking.eight.  I cannot even begin to tell you how weird it is to say that.  It's just . . . I don't know.

I think that when we're kids, and teenagers, and even when we're young adults, we expect adulthood to feel really distinctly different from childhood and teenhood and collegehood and all those other stages.  I think we all expect there to be a *moment* where we become real grown ups, and that we wait and wait for that moment, and then hit our late twenties and realize that we're definitely grown ups, but that that moment never came.  Instead you just kind of somehow grow up.  It's like driving somewhere without paying attention and arriving at your destination with no clue how you got there.

I think I definitely did that.  I definitely thought I'd feel different now than I did when I was younger but . . . well, I really don't.  I'm still the same person I was back in college, just a bit more polished and mature.  I'm still awkward as ever, but I'm more confident now than I ever have been.

I actually like who I am right now.

There are things I'd change.  There are things I'm working on changing.  But overall, I like who I am.  I am OK with me.

As for my birthday, it wasn't bad.  I'm not too excited to be 28 because I like odd numbered ages better (I know that's weird, and I don't know why).  I had to go grocery shopping today, in the snow; there was a lot on the ground and it came down steadily for most of the time I was out, which caused the buses to be massively behind schedule.  Not so fun.  But it all worked out and Jerbs was able to meet me for dinner, and we got home safely, so overall, it was a success.

I didn't get the one thing I really wanted, but then again I don't know that I really expected to, so I'm only a little disappointed.

And that's about it.

So hello, 28.  Let's be good to one another.

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