
Independence Day

I remember, last year on the 4th of July, hiking up into the woods by the apartment with Jerbs to watch the fireworks.  They set them off at the mall so we could see most of the show from here; I'd been back in Flagstaff for 3 days.

I remember standing there in the forest consumed by this overwhelming feeling that my life had stopped making sense.  That when I looked at my life it was foreign to me, like I didn't know it anymore; I had been on one path, imagining one future, and that was gone.  I was confused and anxious and sad and angry and I missed Ex-Fiance and I was still very, very bipolar.  I was miserable and I had no idea what I was going to do.

But today, having a drink at Rendezvous and wandering around downtown with B and her husband (who came up for the day), driving through a massive rainstorm to the mall, eating a sushi dinner with the B's and Jerbs at Karma, and missing most of the fireworks show (minus what we saw from the highway) because they started them early due to the storm . . . I was nothing but content.  Happy.  In love with my life, exactly the way it is.

It feels so good.

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