
Today Was A Good Day


--Told the PR/marketing director at work about my English degree and offered my help with any writing/editing type tasks she might have going on.  So now I get to write the official press release for our new nutritionist, and if that goes well, I'll potentially get to do more writing projects in the future!  I'm so freaking stoked!!!  I know it's not much, but still, I'm really excited.

--My boss asked me if everything was OK since I've been late almost every day since I got my car.  I was honest with her and told her that I just don't do well with mornings and I have a hard time getting the timing right and all that.  So now my work hours are 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.  Hell.fucking.yes.  I love having a boss that's awesome and understanding!  And I really don't mind staying later, since I usually do anyway, because I hit my stride in the afternoon.  Seriously, I love my boss.  I don't want her to leave.

--It poured down rain on both sides of town for a good hour, and it's still cloudy out.  Which meant an amazing, cool, beautiful afternoon and early evening.  Such a great break from the ridiculous heat we've had the past week or so.

--The rain left some perfect running weather when it stopped, so I headed for the lakes by our house and ran 1.42 km (I've decided to measure in kilometers, since it's more impressive, and that's all my stupid pedometer apparently measures in).  I suppose I can't really say I ran, because I more jogged with some walking bits thrown in, but still.  The point is I WORKED OUT!!  So good for me.  And at the end of the jog when I was thinking that I really hadn't done much and feeling a little disappointed with myself, I asked myself if I'd have been able to go that distance, at that speed, at this altitude, a year ago.  And the answer is definitely not.

Speaking of a year ago, yesterday marked one year that I've been back in Flagstaff, and I'm sure there'll be a long drippy entry about that soon.  Because I need to talk about it.  I also have to do my weigh in entry but for now, I just wanted to record some happiness.

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