
Week In Review

Jerbs will be home tomorrow!  And I haven't updated once since she left, so my week in review is as follows.

The first thing that happened without Jerbs here was that my sleep schedule went out.the.window.  Between the cats being all crazy the first night and just not being able to sleep well alone in the apartment, I slept very little.  Which of course meant a nap after work the following day, which meant staying up too late afterwards, which mean a nap after work . . . etc etc etc.  It was a vicious cycle.  I was so grateful when the weekend finally came.

Other than that it was uneventful.  All the pets were bummed, it stormed like crazy all week, I didn't work out once, and I ate more fast food than I should have.  I also cleaned the whole apartment except for the laundry room and I feel pretty accomplished for that.  That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

This coming week I need to get back on track with my diet and working out.  And clean the laundry room.  Good times.

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