

I left work early sick yesterday, and I missed work completely today.  It's aggravating but it was necessary.

Basically yesterday, I woke up feeling OK, and by the time I got on the bus, I felt horrible.  I don't even know how to describe it . . . I was completely exhausted even though I'd slept well, my head was pounding and throbbing in the worst way, and I felt so weak I honestly didn't know if I'd be able to walk off the bus.  I got to work, ate breakfast, etc, and I just kept feeling worse.  Plus I was freezing cold.  One of my co-workers felt my head and said I was really warm.  At that point I asked if I could go because I was literally falling asleep at my desk.  If I'd been able to suck it up and stay I'd have gotten nothing done and I hate the idea of being at work getting paid for nothing.  So I came home and passed.out.  I was seriously so tired . . . like I don't remember having ever been as tired as I was, it was so weird.  I slept until 8 pm and went back to bed at midnight, still feeling pretty crappy.

I woke up this morning and felt worse.  I told myself to suck it up and dragged myself out of bed; when I took a shower my arms felt so weak I could hardly lift them to wash my hair.  Halfway through blow drying my hair I realized there was no way in hell I was going to make it to work and be even remotely comfortable, so I called my boss and left her a voicemail saying I was still sick.  (I think I was running a fever at this point too).  Went back to bed, woke quite a few hours later, felt OK, and attempted to go get food with Jerbs.

That was a huge mistake.  A few bites into my pasta at Wildflower I had to run to the bathroom and puke . . . it suuuucked.

Not a pleasant day.  But I'm feeling a little better now.  I just don't know wtf happened . . . and I hate when my body does things that I don't understand.

It could all be menstrual related, because my period started yesterday while I was on my way home from work.  Or I could have legit had a touch of the stomach flu.  Or certain mental issues could be translating themselves into physical symptoms but that's a whole nother story.

Anyway.  Hopefully I can work tomorrow, because I really hate missing.

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