
Just An Update

Four days until Christmas, and I still have zero holiday spirit.  I'm trying, I really am, but even with all the Corey crap aside, it just doesn't feel like the holidays this year.  I've got all my little ornaments ready to be given out and travel plans are somewhat finalized (so I get to go home, yay!) but . . . somehow it's all just making me anxious.  I think I know why (aside from what I've already said) and I need to vent about it but I'm not sure I'm ready to share it here yet.  I'm looking forward to going home but I'm also dreading it, just because there's so much to do before I leave and it stresses me out.  I also just kind of don't like being away from home, and right now, Jerbs' place is the closest thing to home I have, y'know?  But I'm sure it'll be fine. I feel like I'm kind of taking this year off.  I feel like next year at Christmas time I will definitely be more stable than I am now so I'll see how I feel about the holidays then.  Maybe that Christmas magic will come back, maybe it won't; maybe I'll be with him, maybe I won't.  Either way, I'll be in a more defined place than I am now.  If I get back into the Christmas spirit, I plan on starting over--saving the most sentimental/meaningful ornaments and stuff in my (extensive) Christmas collection and donating the rest, just so that it's all MINE, not things I shared with him.  Even if he and I do get back together, I want to start over.  Keep nothing except the sentimental stuff from that bad part of our relationship.
Last Friday (the 14th) my college BFF Theresa graduated college.  It was a very exciting day because she's basically been working towards her degree for 8 years (we started college the same year/semester).  Jerbs and I didn't get to see her after graduation but tonight we went out to dinner with her.  It was nice to see her, and we went to a restaurant Jerbs and I had never been to (which was delicious, BTW).  I love Theresa, and I'm so glad she's graduated and in a good relationship . . . in the almost decade we've known each other I've seen her go through a lot and I want nothing but happiness for her.  In a little more than a week she is moving to Salt Lake City, Utah, with her girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier for her.  (Plus . . . excuse to go to Utah and explore a little!!)  I'll probably write more about her graduation and stuff later.
Things could be looking up in the employment area.  I'm not saying more until I know for sure but . . . please keep your fingers crossed for me!
I bought new pants the other night (well, I bought half of them, Jerbs bought the other half) and I had to buy a size smaller than I expected.  That was a pleasant experience.  However, the downside was that the "short" pants (because I have tiny little midget legs) were actually a little too long for me.  How freaking sad is that???  I like being short but I wish my legs were a teeny bit longer.  Jerbs and I are the same height but her inseam is something like 4 inches longer than mine.
Travel plans ended up falling through so it looks like I'll be stuck in Flag for Christmas this year.

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