
What Are We Up To?

I've been jogging.  (But more about that later).  I'm also feeling really bleh lately, not mentally but physically.  I'm sore all over (from the jogging and sleeping on the floor, I know, but it still sucks).  I also just feel weak a lot lately, and I've been having stomach issues.  Like I've had a lot of days recently where I'm really hungry but absolutely nothing sounds appetizing.  And my sleep schedule is still a disaster, and a messed up sleep schedule equals a messed up meds schedule.  I'm still taking everything I should, but the schedule needs to be a LOT more regular.  I'm working on it.  In good news, I won a $10 giftcard to JCPenney as part of their holiday buttons thingy.  I'm happy because I never win anything like that haha.

Jerbs is stoked because today was her last day of work before 12 days off.  She'd asked for this coming weekend off to go to a Mountain Goats concert and visit our friends, the Flicks, in Phoenix.  She had a bunch of vacation time that she needed to use up before the end of the year so she decided to do it now.  She is soooooo excited . . . today I watched her give money to 2 different charities at the mall, so yeah, she's pretty pleased.

Benji has been spending most of his time in his heating padded bed, and it's adorable.  He looks totally blissed out when he's in there.  He's stopped waking up and barking in the middle of the night too, so that's good.  (For awhile, every night around 3 AM he'd start barking for no reason . . . I think because he'd wake up to find himself alone and get scared, maybe?)  He actually ate some of his dog treats the other day; last time I tried to give him one he didn't eat it, and I assumed it was too hard for him, even thought it's a chewy treat.  But I guess not, so that was a relief.

Irene is just Irene.  She walks around like she owns the apartment and everything in it and that's just that.  She's been feisty with Ilya lately--they've had some pretty epic wrestling matches recently, and it's pretty entertaining.  She always seems to know when I'm watching something on TV, and she'll choose that moment to jump up on the TV stand and sit RIGHT in front of it.

Ilya is still scared of everything.  Some mornings when I'm in Jerbs' bed, she'll cuddle with me.  She crawls under the covers and everything, it's so sweet.  Other than that, she still likes to play with her gross little teddy bear and drown him in her water bowl, and almost once a day I step on it while it's wet.  It's disgusting but also kinda cute.

So that's what our odd little sorta family is up to at the moment!

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