
Snow Angel Fail

Today Jerbs' cousin, Erika, and her boyfriend, Brad, came up to visit.  One of the things they (well, Erika) wanted to was take a cute picture in the snow together to send with their Christmas cards.  So we drove out to the pond near our place.  The pond was partially frozen and a lot of the snow out there was untouched, and there were still a ton of ducks around!  It was exciting.

So we traipsed around in the snow for awhile and talked to the ducks and took some pictures of Erika and Brad, and as we were walking back to the car, I just HAD to make a snow angel.

And I did.  And the snow was really deep so getting up was difficult.  And Brad and Erika and Jerbs all laughed at how snow covered I was and then we left.

We went to the mall, and at about our 3rd store, I wanted to text my sister.

My phone wasn't in my coat pocket, which was the last place I'd had it.  It wasn't in my purse, either.  And wouldn't you know it, it wasn't in the car either.

So we drove back out to the pond and sure enough, my phone was half buried in the middle of my snow angel.  Thankfully the snow didn't do any damage to it, and it's fine.  I was incredibly relieved.

Lesson learned: when making a snow angel, hand your phone to someone else.

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