
Oh, Y'know

I start work on Wednesday at 8 AM!  I'm so excited!!

I'm nervous too.  Mostly I'm worried about the adjusting--I'm about to go from sleeping until (after) noon to having to be ready to go and out the door by 7:10 AM.  Blech.  And the thing is I'm still having hypersomnia issues, and I can't fight through the tired like normal people can.  Like, if my alarm goes off and I'm still exhausted, I can't seem to suck it up and get out of bed anyway.  I'm hoping that having a job will make it easier, and I'm also hoping that my body will cooperate and go to bed when I tell it too.  And I'm sure that being unmedicated at the moment is not helping and that once my Lithium levels are back up I'll be better about actually getting up.  Plus I'm nervous about having to postpone my psych appointment

Speaking of medication, I finally got my prescription today.  Hallefreakingllujah.  It was a frustrating process because on the 12th, I logged on to the WalMart pharmacy thing, and saw that my doctor had given me 3 Lithium refills.  I was like yay! and immediately requested a refill online.  When I logged on the next day, though, the order was cancelled--no idea why.  So I requested another one, and  when I logged on today, it was also cancelled.  I called the WalMart pharmacy (and let me tell you I was ready to go to battle!) and the pharmacist was like, "That's weird, because I have a prescription all ready for you."  Thank goodness.

Also healthcare related, I got a voicemail from my doctor today about my lab work.  Everything looked good but my thyroid is still a little elevated (dammit) so I'm going to have to follow up on that.  Sigh.  I had so hoped the first elevated result was just a fluke.  Not a huge deal but still.  The thing is, I'm not so worried about having to follow up now that I'll be financially able to.  I'd just rather have to not treat something else with medication . . . but at the same time, I really don't think I'm interested in trying anything but Lithium for the bipolar disorder.

I also found out today that the gym I want to join (the one co-owned by MHC) is running a killer special if you join in January so I'm excited about that.  Because getting home after sunset when it's 3 degrees outside is most definitely going to prevent me from walking to the work out room.  And I'm sure that there's some sort of employee discount but in case that doesn't take effect until I'm elligible for benefits, I'd be willing to just join now and pay out of pocket  for it.

Overall, a lot to be happy about right now.

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