
Worst. Workout. Ever.

Remember how I mentioned it's freaking cold as crap out at the moment?

Well, it still is.  And this afternoon my thought process was going something like this: it is way too cold to go work out today . . . but I didn't work out yesterday or the day before and I really want to . . . but do I really feel like walking all that way in this? . . . but this is probably the warmest it'll be today so it's now or never, I should just suck it up and go . . .

So I did.  I put on my workout clothes (leggings, tank top, sports bra, etc).  Then I put on another pair of sweats over my leggings and a long sleeved shirt over my tank top.  Then I put on my big winter coat, my hat, and my gloves.  Make sure all the stuff I need (iPod, earbuds, water, hair tie) is in my bag and off I go.  Trekked over to the workout room, stripped down to my actual workout clothes, and hopped on the machine.  And in my head I'm like, damn, I'm awesome today, go me.

Then wouldn't you know it, my freaking iPod is dead.  And that's weird, because I am really anal about my iPod--I charged it yesterday and the battery was full, and when I put it in my bag, I make sure it's turned off and locked so that it can't accidentally turn on and drain the battery.  I was ticked, but at the same time, I was like, I walked all the way over here, I'm going to work out.  I did attempt to turn the TV on, but I could only find 3 channels (GAC, the NAU channel, and something else . . . can't remember what), so I gave up and worked out in silence.  I did manage 20 minutes on the elliptical, which is less than I wanted but considering the cold, how crappy I feel because my Lithium levels are low, and no distraction to make the work out more bearable . . . well, I'm patting myself on the back!

I did my 20 minutes in 10 minute chunks.  Right before I started my second 10 minutes, this couple came into the workout room.  And I admit that I'm still kind of in that mindset of going bleeeeccchhh every time I see a cutesy couple.  They each took a treadmill, and he was in front of her.  Before he started his workout he looked back, said, "Hey," and blew her a kiss when she looked up.  So I was like even more bleeeeechhhh.  (And Corey used to blow me kisses all the time . . . at church, during orchestra, during bells, when we were driving, etc).  Not.  Pleasant.

I can't wait to join a real gym.  Seriously, can't freaking wait.

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