
Fitness Update

I haven't weighed myself since October 15th, which is why I didn't post a November weigh in.  I just kind of decided I didn't care.  During that whole incident with my medicine I went completely off the rails diet/exercise wise so I knew that whatever I saw on the scale wasn't going to be pleasant.  I didn't measure myself either.

But after awhile of not caring I'm in the process of trying to get back into the groove of losing weight.  Right now I'm focusing on diet as opposed to exercise, because the food part of stuff is what I have the most trouble with.  And I know that the food part is the most important, so right now my goal is to cut out fast food, limit soda (OMG SO HARD), and eat at a calorie deficit.  I'm on myfitnesspal.com and logging what I eat and drink, and for the past couple days I've done well!  I didn't eat fast food on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, I stayed under my calorie goal every day, and the most soda I've had on any day has been 2 cans (which I realize is still quite a bit but for me that's freaking amazing), and I haven't gone over my calorie goal any day.

I won't lie, I feel like shit.  I'm definitely having some caffeine withdrawals; mostly I'm a lot more tired than usual and I have headaches.  And I'm grouchy as well.  I think I'm having fasts food withdrawal too.  I know that I'm eating enough, I just think my body is used to a really big intake of fat and calories and without that it's like WTF are you doing?  It's not really pleasant but it's manageable.  This is one reason I'm giving myself a break from the gym for a bit.  I just don't feel up to exercising but I think that as my body gets used to less fat/calories/sugar/caffeine I'll be able to back to the gym and do well.  I knew that when I finally actually committed to a diet it wasn't going to feel good, because I've spent years and years eating nothing but fatty, high calorie, high sugar junk and that's what my body's acclimated to.  It's kind of depressing.  At the same time, I'm proud of myself and I feel like the pat few days are a great start!  When it comes to weight loss food has ALWAYS been what's held me back, because let's face it, going to the gym and hitting up Taco Bell on your way home just isn't the way to do things!  But now that I've got almost a week under my belt I'm feeling very confident, and I think maybe this will finally be the time I make it happen.

I've heard from two people, both of whom I trust, that the first week is the hardest and that once I get past that I'll be fine . . . here's hoping, right?

At any rate, I'm going to weigh/measure on December 1st, and hopefully the numbers will be encouraging!

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