
Self Improvement Update 1

Since one of the reasons I started this blog was to keep track of my progress on getting better and my self improvement goals, I figured I should actually maybe write about that.  Granted, I haven't even been in Flagstaff for a full week, but still.

Let's see.  I've been doing really well taking my medicine; I've only missed one Lithium dose (one dose is half of my daily intake, because I can only take 600mg at a time) since I've been here and it was because I forgot to take my medicine with me when we went out.  (That's the thing about having to take the bus--because of when things run and all that going out becomes an all day event, even if you're only doing one or two things). And given everything that's been going on I've been pretty damn happy and upbeat, which I was not expecting.  I've had a few moments of just being really really sad but I've done a lot better than I thought.  I've also been functioning better than I thought--I actually can sleep here (I usually don't sleep well in new/strange places).  I've also applied for one full time job and am in the process of applying for another.  They both pay really well and I'm excited!  The one I really want is the one I'm working on the application for.  It's at The Guidance Center, which is basically a center for behavioral health, and I'd love to work there and help people who are going through the same crap I've been through.  I know first hand how hard it is to get help.

As for the bad.  Jerbs and I have been eating out a lot since I've been here and we need to stop.  I also haven't gone to work out at all since I've been here, mostly because there's not a bus stop right by Anytime Fitness, so I'm going to have to walk (uphill) to get to the gym and then work out, and that doesn't sound appealing.  But I need to get back on it because I feel icky.

So that's it.  Jerbs' cats punctured my airbed last night.  Assholes.

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