
Is That A Urinal?

This evening after I got off work, I had about 40 minutes to kill until I had to walk to the bus.  So I wandered into Bookmans, because it's next door, and did some browsing.  And I got to pet a really cute puppy.

It was about time to leave so I decided to go to the bathroom.  So I walk to the back of the store and go into the bathroom, and when I get inside I think to myself, why is there only one stall in here?  I thought there 2.  But whatev.  I walk towards the stall and in the space next to it there is . . . a urinal.

Yep, I went into the men's room.

I don't know how I managed that, because I've peed at Bookman's before.  The only thing I can think is that before the remodel, Bookman's had non gender specific single bathrooms on either side of the little alcove, and I used to always use the one on the left, which is now the men's room.

Needless to say I booked it out of there and into the women's room.  I'm just glad the bathroom was empty because I'd have been truly mortified if there'd been some poor dude using the urinal when I walked in.

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