
A Work Fiasco and An Old Friend

I mentioned before that I had one scheduled shift at work this week, and then I agreed to cover a shift for someone as well.  The scheduled shift was Thursday 9--2, the cover shift was Friday 4--8:30.

Well, naturally I had awful insomnia Wednesday night and I ended up not being able to sleep until almost 6 AM.  So when my alarm went off at 7:30 Thursday morning there was just no way I was moving.  In a moment of rebellion and  anger, I said fuck it, and went back to bed.  I didn't call in.

So when I woke up, there were no missed calls on my phone from work.  Which surprised me but whatever--I don't exactly work with a bunch of geniuses.

Then this morning I woke up to a missed call from work, and when I checked the voicemail, they were basically asking if I was coming in for my 9--2 shift.  I rolled my eyes and immediately felt very superior.  I was like, pish, idiots either didn't read the schedule right or randomly changed the schedule in the middle of the week (not my fault).  So I figured I'd just go in at 4, show them my printed schedule that showed my Thursday shift, and say I forgot about it or something.

Then when I was waiting for the bus, I decided to look at my printed schedule just for the hell of it.

And wouldn't you know it, I was wrong, and I was scheduled 9--2 today.

I was like, shit.  I felt so stupid.  So incredibly stupid.  I had been absolutely certain that I was supposed to work yesterday.  I called work and was forced to talk to the store manager and I said I'd just had it in my head that I was supposed to work 9--2 on Saturday.  They weren't happy but they didn't fire me.  Then I called back around ten to four to say I was running a bit late for the 4--8:30 shift and I was told that the girl I was covering for was there so I wasn't needed.

So I didn't work any hours this week!  Go me!


But the good thing was that Jerbs was getting off work about the time all this was going down, so since we were both out, we met up and went to Sally's and PetSmart (where I met the prettiest little baby kitten who was built like a siamese but an orange tabby).  Then we decided to eat at Chipotle, and Theresa randomly showed up!

We were totally stoked to see her, and she was wearing her USFS uniform, which makes her look pretty B.A.  She got food at Chipotle (her girlfriend and others were eating next door at Panda, which Theresa can't eat on her gluten free diet) and we chatted, and then she offered us a ride home, which was awesome!

On our drive home we went through campus and looked at the new dorms and parking garages and reminisced about when we were in school and how different it is now than when we were there.  We talked about how we both went to band day at NAU as high schoolers, and how weird it is that we were there at the same time without knowing we'd ever be friends.  We talked about the time in '07 when we played in the parking garage and parking lot during a massive rainstorm, and I remembered how I used to drive to South Campus to visit Heather and Theresa and go to band practice and games . . . so weird.

But sometimes it's nice to reminisce and remember, especially with someone who's such a good friend and who's been there for so much of those experiences.  And tonight, the remembering didn't make me anxious, or at least not as much as it has at times.

Either way, it was a decent day: no work, kittens, Theresa, and a trip home that didn't involve the bus!

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