
Election Day

I voted today.

That was hours ago, though, and the election results are in now.

Barack Obama gets a second term.

I'm thrilled with those results, I really am!  I hate talking politics with other people (politics brings out the worst in everyone, myself included, so I usually avoid the topic in conversation).  But I am a proud liberal and a staunch supporter of Barack Obama, and the first time he won I was beyond thrilled.  I know he hasn't been a perfect president but I think he's done what he can, and I think he genuinely believes in what he says he believes in.  I truly feel that he has this country's best interests at heart and that he is the only candidate who cares about everyone who's living in this country, not just the wealthy and the upper crust.  (Sorry, just my honest opinion).  I also think he really has had a lot to deal with, and that he's done his best with what he was left.  He's dealt well with some of the more disgusting things his opposers have done--for example, repeated requests for his birth certificate and lynchings of Obama effigies.

I think he's the best thing for our country right now, and I think he'll accomplish a lot more in his second term than in his first.  I have complete confidence and faith in him, and I am incredibly happy that so many people agreed.  I know it was a tight race, and that didn't surprise me, but still.  I also think that regardless of who is in office, whether Obama or Romney or someone else entirely, improvement is going to be slow.  The economy isn't going to recover overnight, equal rights issues won't be resolved quickly, so on and so forth.  But I think things ARE improving (the number of calls I've gotten back from jobs I've applied for is proof) and I think Obama will continue striving to improve them.  I believe that Romney would have been a step backwards--especially for women.  Even if I hated Obama, I would not have voted for Romney.  I'd have gone third party (which is what my dad did).

So here's to 4 more years.

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