
Sentimental Sunday: Once I Ate Cat Poop

There are few parts to this story.

And yes, it's really gross, but it's also pretty funny.

First you should know that when I was growing up we had a Dachshund named Goochie.  Well, Goochie was her nickname, her real name was Suggars.  She was an awesome little dog (she just died in December of 2009).  We also had several cats, which meant we had a litter box.  Dogs, for whatever reason, like to eat cat poop, and since Goochie was a Dachshund, she had short little legs that were good for getting into the litter box.  She used to pull pieces of cat poop out of the box and leave them laying on the floor (yuck, I know).  It was incredibly annoying and she eventually stopped but still.

Second you should know that when I was . . . I don't know, 10 or 11 I'd guess, I went through a chocolate chip phase.  (See where this is going?)  I would go to the fridge and pour a handful of them onto a napkin or into my hand (I'm not fancy) and that was that.

So one day I got a handful of chocolate chips and started to walk back to the living room from the kitchen.  Just before I passed the litter box I dropped a few chocolate chips.  And I rolled my eyes and did the ten second rule thing (again, not fancy) and just picked them back up.

Well . . .

I pop one into my mouth and as soon as I bit into it I knew it was not a chocolate chip.  It was foul.  It only took me a couple seconds to realize that I had picked up a little chunk of cat crap that the dog had drug out of the litter box and left there.

I ran to the bathroom and spit it out and I'm pretty sure I threw up too.  I brushed my teeth probably about 10 times and then tossed that tooth brush.

I don't remember for sure, but I think my childhood best friend, Tina, was there when this happened.

So there you have it.  Probably the grossest thing that's ever happened to me--definitely in the top five, at least!

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