
Weigh In: 2 Months, No Pics

My two month weigh in was technically the 7th . . . I'm a bit behind.

My weight is at 175 still.

I didn't take pictures this time (I just don't feel like it) but I did take all my measurements.  Most of them were the same as when I took them about a month ago.  There were 2 areas I lost in and 2 areas I gained in, though.  The gains and losses were both small.  The losses I think are just from walking.  Even though I'm not doing a "real" workout every day, I'm still walking a lot almost every day.  And considering that most days I run late, I usually jog to the bus stop.

I imagine that if I'd stopped working out but was still driving I'd be doing a lot worse.

I haven't done a work out in forever, and I know it's affecting how I feel.  But it's so hard to get to the workout room, it really is.  For one thing, it's freezing.  For another, it's now precipitating . . . yesterday we just got rain, today we've gotten a ton of rain and hail, and it's going to start snowing soon.  It just makes walking down to the workout room very, VERY unappealing.

Plus I'm not feeling well physically.  Basically a few weeks ago my good air bed just . . . I don't know.  It popped a seam or something so it was all screwed up.  It was sagging in the center and swollen on one end, and I couldn't sleep on it.  So I switched it out with the newer air bed that the cats put some pretty bad holes in.  The holes are well patched but this one deflates faster and worse than the other one, so I wake up on the floor.  Plus I have to re-inflate it a lot during the night (much to the annoyance of our downstairs neighbor). I wake up super sore, in my shoulders, back, and legs, and I KNOW it's from the bed.  It sucks.  I find it annoying that because I can't afford a real bed my whole body is suffering.

Then there's my ankle injury.  I'm still limping and it still hurts.  I'm annoyed that I came back from Kingman all determined to get back on track with stuff and then screwed up my ankle.  I know that right now I couldn't do crap in the workout room because of my ankle.  I at least have to wait for that to heal.

So I should at least be eating right.  I should at least be working on that side of the health stuff, but no.  I've definitely been stress eating a LOT lately.  I'm totally a comfort eater, and right now between the stress of work stuff (long story), money, treatment stuff I need to get done, as well as depression over missing Kingman and my family and Corey and the holidays fast approaching . . . well, I've definitely fallen back into old habits.

I'm hoping to get over it soon.  I'm really hoping to get back on track in a lot of ways . . . if only my mental health would cooperate!  Because not helping things is the fact that as soon as I'd been back from Kingman for like a day, that funk I'd been in that was finally lifting came back with a vengeance.

Sigh.  Sometimes I feel like I really can't win!

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