
Sentimental Sunday: Dumb Stuff My Mom Has Said

I love my mom.  I really do.  I love her to bits and pieces and I think she's amazing.

BUT my mom is one of those people who occasionally speaks without thinking, which means that over the years she's said some things that sound pretty . . . well, dumb.  And we like to give her crap for it.  Because what kind of family wouldn't?

For the record, the teasing is always good natured, and my mom laughs at herself right along with us.  Plus, this is a trait she definitely passed on to me . . . lucky for me, huh?  I could probably write a book of all the dumb crap I've said.

But my favorite Mom ones are just enough for a blog post.
Once, in high school, she picked me and a classmate up from marching band practice.  It was dark out and as we were driving my classmate home, my mom suddenly says, "Y'know, if it were daytime, I could see a lot better."  There was a moment of silence, and then my mom started laughing because she realized what she'd said.
One summer my mom took my sisters and I to the mall in Laughlin to shop for school clothes.  Since it's Laughlin, the main part of the mall parking lot is lined with palm trees, and almost every parking space is under one.  Apparently my mom didn't notice when we drove in, because as we parked, she said, "Girls, remember, we parked under a palm tree."
Once we were playing Scene It, and the game was where there were two pictures and you had to guess a movie title based on the pictures.  This particular one had a picture of the solar system, and then a traffic jam.  The answer was Space Jam, and while we were all thinking about, my mom suddenly blurted out, "PLANET TRAFFIC?"  Cuz y'know . . . planet traffic is totally a movie.  It was hilarious.
This one is probably my favorite.  When I was 16, my parents  bought me a car.  Nothing fancy, just a 1984 Chevy Cavalier that they bought off a friend for $250.  (I LOVED that car).  Well, when we first got it, the power steering wasn't working well, and since I only had my permit, my parents were iffy about letting me drive it.  One night I convinced my mom to let me drive, and we went to Sonic, because we could get there on the back roads.  My mom drove there but said I could drive back.  After we'd ordered ice cream and were ready to leave, we switched seats.  I went to adjust the rear view mirror, and . . . it came off the windshield.  Like, just snapped off.  It was so random.  And I gasped, and my mom, who had been watching the whole thing, asked what happened.  I said, "It came off!"  When I said that, I was holding the mirror in my hand.  My mother's response?  "Are you serious?"


  1. This post made me laugh soo much!

  2. Haha I'm glad! My mom cracks me up.
